1_Welcome Home

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(Naomi's POV)

"Naomi, a couple is here. With your social worker." Melanie says. I nod and follow her. My bag is already downstairs and I feel tears coming. Melanie wraps an arm around my shoulders.

When we get to the couple, my breath catches. "L-Li-Lin-Ma-Man-Manuel M-M-Miranda?" I stutter. He chuckles.

"That's me." He says.

"And you're Va-Vanessa Na-Nadal. Oh my god!" I squeal and look at Melanie. "Are you guys fostering me?"

"Yeah." Vanessa says.

"Is this for real?"

"It sure is." I smile and hug Melanie.

"Don't forget me?" I ask.

"I couldn't if I tried. Don't forget me either?" Melanie tells me.

"Never. I love you."

"I love you too Scrabble." I giggle at the nickname.

I was given the nickname Scrabble because of my interest in the game. I'd never played before and was intrigued by it. So, the nickname was given and it just stuck.

Jim walks into the room and hugs me. "I love you baby girl. You can always call us. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you for everything you did for me."

"Our pleasure." Jim says.

Tears threaten to spill as I leave behind the two people closest to being my parents. Vanessa wraps an arm around me and guides me to their car.

"So, Naomi, you've been a fan for a while huh?" Lin asks.

"Yeah. Since I was seven." I tell him and he smiles.

"And you're how old now?"

"I'm 15."

"Wow. That means we sang happy birthday to you seven years ago."

"Yeah. Well, we met seven years ago." I say, trying to sound like a teenager. I think it works because Vanessa rolls her eyes.

"Shut it down. You haven't been home yet!"

As we drove, I looked out the window. "V, we just passed the house. Where are we going?"

"We are taking Naomi shopping today! She needs clothes, both fancy and not. Hair accessories, earrings, I see her ears are pierced. And definitely, anything else she needs or wants!" Vanessa says.

"Like makeup?" I ask and Vanessa grins.

"If you'd like, yes."

"I don't see why you need makeup. You're very beautiful already. I'm gonna have to fight a lot of boys off you without it. And with it? The number of boys will triple!" Lin says.

"No one likes me anyway." Lin turns in the passenger side seat to look at me.

"Don't ever say that about yourself again. Do you understand?" He looks angry. Pissed off, even.

"But it's true."

"Naomi, stop it. You're putting yourself down and it isn't okay."

"You aren't my dad." Lin looks hurt. I plug in my headphones and turn on The Climb by Miley Cyrus. Then, I look out the window. I started singing, not caring.

"I can almost see it. That dream I'm dreaming," I stop, realizing I don't know the rest. Tears sting my eyes. I miss Melanie and Jim.

"Hey, Naomi." Lin says. "V, pull over." Vanessa pulls over and Lin gets in back of the car with me.

"Lin, I normally wouldn't question this, but we don't have a one and a half year old in the back." Vanessa turns and sees me, crying. "You know what, I'm just gonna drive."

Lin holds me, his strong arms around me. He smells like coffee. "Na," (it sounds like he's saying nay) "what's wrong?"

"I miss Melanie and Jim so much."

"I'm sorry Na."


Vanessa takes me to a makeup store. Lin just follows us around patiently. "V, you know I love you, but what exactly are we looking for?" He asks.

"Well, we're looking for mascara!" She says, running toward the makeup isle.


We finally leave the store and go to the house. I follow Lin and Vanessa inside. A young woman stands, holding a small boy. "Sebastian had a slight tantrum, but I calmed him down with trains."

"Okay. Thanks Jessie." Vanessa says. "This is Naomi. Naomi, this is Seb's babysitter, Jessie."

"Hi." I wave and she smiles. "How old are you?"

"I'm 17." Jessie says.

"Oh, cool. I'm 16." I tell the girl.

"We'll be great friends. I just know it!" Jessie says before leaving the house. "Bye Mr and Mrs Miranda!" She calls and then, it's just the four of us. Just me, Lin, Vanessa and Sebastian.

"Welcome home Naomi." Lin says. I know for a fact, this is where I hope to stay.

***Author's Note***

The sequel to Unopened Letters.

Be fearless!


Because Of These Letters: Adopted by Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now