Prologue: Hannah Raven

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The Survivors' CityJune 2012

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The Survivors' City
June 2012

HANNAH RAVEN PACED NERVOUSLY, THE CLUNKY SATELLITE PHONE in her hand. Lizzie and Sarah sat in her tiny cottage, unsure of what to think.

Finally, the phone rang.

"Hannah? It's Sadie."

Hannah sighed, relieved. "I knew you'd call. I know you haven't talked to anyone, but I knew you'd call."

"I had another blackout," Sadie said, the dismay in her voice evident.

"Of Noah and the other rogues?" she asked, knowing that that was not the case.

"No . . . of some other people. People I've never seen, but their land looked similar to ours. Hannah, I know what you mean now. They call themselves the Bloods."

"You heard one of them speak it?" she asked.

Sadie hesitated. "No," she finally said. "Somehow I just knew."

Hannah clutched her hands to her heart. "Sadie? There's something I have to tell you."

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