The Intro

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Welcome to this extravagant mess where I'll be narrating my life stories (well mostly) by adding some spice to the boring mix of reality.
Talking about spice, I'm starting to get hungry again. I like spicy food. Actually food in general, captures my attention. Don't let the title fool you, thin people eat too. Sometimes maybe a little too much.

But anyway, just as food captures my attention, I hope my writing captures yours. Because without complete concentration, you will not be able to grasp the great truth that is my life. Now you might ask me why these are called tall tales if they're actually the truth.

Well, first of all, everything that i say happened (maybe not to me but someone else). But sometimes rare truths can be hard to digest. And so we call them 'Tall Tales'.
When you admit your extraordinary experiences are exaggerated, people listen. I get to write about my amazing life, and you get to read a story. Everybody wins.

You may not laugh, but get ready to breathe out of your nostrils slightly harder every time i crack a joke. And be warned, the journey you are about to relive is one hell of a ride. This is my story, and it may be yours too. Who knows the difference between fact and fiction nowadays anyway, am I right? We all get lost in our minds by the end of the day regardless.
I'm sure by now you're all eager to jump into my mind, but let me warn you first. Do not interfere in my terrific narration with your silly nosey questions. Treat it like a story, and I hope you know the rules to follow while listening to a story.

Now for the convenience of story telling, I'll have to name myself. You can call me 'May-B'. Oh wow I'm so funny. May-B is short for malnourished, young and beautiful. Yes i came up with it by myself. Sounds professional right? May-B.

Ok enough fooling around. I'll try to release these tales regularly, or whenever i feel like it, whichever suits me. So don't let that bother you. Just let me do my thing alright? Good.
And so we begin.

True Tall Tales of a Thin Tall TeenWhere stories live. Discover now