My Apocalypse

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All I could remember was wading through the murky waters as I neared my apartment. I had my friends by my side, and we muscled our way through the hubbub. Our teamwork seemed to be the only form of order in the looming chaos.

As I looked around, I realised that the reason for the chaotic rush was the sky. The sky loomed over us, shimmering menacingly. A deep blue stormy space engulfed by thick heavy grey masses that could no longer be called clouds. I realised slowly that i was living in a disaster. And I wasn't sure if this was a natural disaster. Nothing seemed to add up, but i felt alive. A spark, in the form of some dread combined with excitement, flowed through my veins like adrenaline. I was always the most alive during the riskiest situations, so this came as no surprise to me. But I'd never been so lightheaded during these moments, I was usually alert. This was different, everything was fuzzy. I couldn't make head or tail out of anything. I had to get a hold of myself soon before i started to lose myself.

As the rain plummeted down on us harder with each passing second, we approached the entrance to my multi-storey apartment building. We swam across the lobby and saw that the elevator wasn't working anymore. Well, of course it wasn't working. It was half filled with water and probably went out of service a long time ago. I wasn't really Sherlock material sometimes. Luckily, the stairwell was not only completely intact, it was devoid of major flooding. At least i could walk now, instead of swimming. I'm not the best swimmer to be perfectly honest. I get wiped out pretty quickly, and I'm not exactly in my best shape. Not that I'm ever in good shape but still, you get the idea.
Anyway, as i closed the door to the balcony behind me, a gust of wind attacked my face. As I recovered from the breathlessness, I could now clearly see what the world had come to. The sight I got to behold was a sight that both awed and scared me so intensely that I felt my existence flickering like a candle flame.

This was no disaster, this was the end of the world. And I was in the midst of the final process. All that separated me from the sky raging in turmoil was a glass pane. I was so vulnerable that I could sense the danger in the most amplified way possible. As i stared on at the sky, I witnessed a sight I had never ever imagined could happen. The water in the skies, instead of falling as raindrops, aggregated to form sheets of rain that cascaded down with the force of the sky falling. The sheets fell one by one until the sky right above me started to peel off, a huge ocean falling from above. And in that moment, i knew what true fear was.

I could feel a heavy pain on my chest, and it felt like i was floating weightlessly. I couldn't even open my eyes, my eyelids refused to move. I rolled over to the right and fell off my bed, face down. As i slowly opened my eyes, I couldn't decide if what i just experienced was a dream or a nightmare.

But of course, I'm sure you guys realised all that was not real a long time ago. Well, I'll let you in on a secret now. I was aware of that fact too, while it happened. I love dreaming, and realising that I'm asleep helps me control my dream world. Control freaks like me would give anything to be in charge of their own lives like that. And I'm no less manipulative or ambitious. Dreaming while you know you're in a dream, its something you have to experience for yourself. It cant be explained, much like most other beautiful feelings in this world. They have a name for it now, 'Lucid dreaming'.

So yeah, it was starting to get late and I had to get out of bed soon or I wouldn't get to eat my lunch. Hey don't judge me, alright? It was a weekday. And i have a hard time falling asleep sometimes at night. No I'm not scared or anything. I sometimes might get slightly uncomfortable when it's too dark but that's it, I do NOT suffer from nyctophobia. So you better not think I'm a wimp. However, I might be afraid of certain tiny insects. Its more disgust than fear really. Just keep in mind that you wont ever find a cockroach and me in the same room. And no, that doesn't add up to some conspiracy where you can pinpoint me and  a cockroach to be the same person. I do NOT look like a cockroach.

All right fine, now that that's out of the way, let's skip all the boring daily morning chores like brushing my teeth and barely taking a shower to the lunch. Now lunch is what I'm always excited about. Everyday I dream about lunch, the different combinations of main and side dishes. And of course, the candy and biscuits I consume for dessert post-lunch. But I'm not gonna elaborate on how tasty the luscious mouth watering chocolate that melts in your mouth as soon as you pop it in is, it might make you greedy or something. Instead I'll just tell you about that night. That terrible forsaken night, a night that I will never forget.

'Twas the time when the sun bids farewell to a certain unfortunate part of the earth. More commonly called sunset by less intellectual people. And it was the beginning of a night, a night the sort of which you can see only in the 'Night at the Museum' movies. As the light faded from the skies, I felt it coming.
The chaos was on it's way.

I could feel the familiar pulse flowing through my body, so I grabbed my skateboard and left. The weather was exciting, and I was fuelled by adrenaline. I raced down the sloping desert road with music playing from my phone and drizzle spraying against my face. I had reached an unfamiliar area and was just deciding to head back when I skated over a rock and fell. My skateboard flew forward as I was thrown backwards. The board was heading right towards some dark smudge on the road. I picked myself up and stumbled hastily to get it back, when the board just dropped straight down through the smudge. Completely taken aback, I walked cautiously ahead and saw that it was a hole. And not just some pothole, but a deep dark hole right in the middle of the road. And the strangest thing was, I still hadn't heard my skateboard hit the bottom. Starting to get worried, i checked my phone and was met with a 'No Service' icon. I looked around and saw a pebble, which struck an idea in my head. I picked it up and dropped it in the hole, waiting for the sound of it hitting the bottom.
I waited, and waited.
Then i waited some more, but i couldn't hear a single sound. Frustrated, I started walking back the way I came. But before I could take even a couple of steps, a pebble hit me from behind. With growing fear, I picked it up and realised that it was the same one I had thrown in.
The pit wasn't bottomless like I had feared. It was even worse, there was someone inside the hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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