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The steady rise and fall of her chest. Her breathing came in short bursts and fell away for what seemed too long for anyone to hold their breath.

It's been a week since I'm unconscious.

I don't know what exactly happened to me and where am I. I think I'm here, what people call it. A place between life and death. I was waiting for the Angel of death to yield my soul off my body, when a hitch to my memories with a horrid and unusual whisper came" It's not your time yet".
All I here is people weeping for me, someone comes for checkup and their footsteps taken back to their original place.

It all started when I met him.
I wasn't knowing I was falling for him.
Silly me.

It was the magic hour, when the sun dyed everything in gold, when it finally stopped raining and the clouds partially disappeared, allowing some sun ray to reach city. She left her house and started walking down the street. The light was sweet and the cold autumn breeze after the rain welcomed her like an old friend. The calmly sound of the soft wind caressing the autumn the autumn leafs covered her ears. Some of them fell over her while walking and she smiled. She missed the smell of rain, the fallen leafs and the autumn sun. It was mid September, and she could fell the autumn breeze running through her veins, caressing her lungs and lay deep inside her heart, filling her with a nostalgic, calm happiness she had no memories to have felt it before.

Swoooooooosssssssshhhhhhhhh. Swooosh. Crackle. Flutter. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

Hurry Anna hurry. You gotta move ur legs faster or u'll be late.
Gosh! I'm late again. Have to hear those lectures again.
Aaagghhhh damn. Third year of college is no joke.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Taaap. Taaàp. Tap
Whoooo. Calm down.

Yaaeeeeeeeeeeeee. Yay . Hurrrrryyyyyyyy.

What's goin on? Is there a party today? Am I not invited?
I'll invest my thoughts later, first get in.


'Hey Anna. You are saved today.' My anomalistic friend suddenly announced.
Ha ha ha ha ha hahah hahah.
Shut up Zara. Where is madame?
'Anna I'm taking leave today. I'll catch u soon. Live your life till then.' Another eccentric friend announced.

There was a roar of laughter on this hilarious comment. Well I am glad, my day was saved.


It was the time I can enjoy my favourite sandwich. Yes, it's lunch break.

'Well Anna why were you late today?' asked Zara while scrutinizing her sandwich. 'She must be lost in her thoughts you know, admiring nature.' commented Nina.

'Anyway where is Mavis?' I asked them disclosing my favourite Nutella sandwich.
'You know girl, she must be with him.'said Nina while taking a bite from her choco roll.

'Gimme some.' 'Yeah me too.' They both declared while trying to kidnap my Nutella sandwich.

'Nooo. I won't even share a single gnaw of this savoury Nutella.' I howled.
'Fine treat us to something else.' 'Okay okay.'

'Let's go to the ground.' Me and Nina agreed and the trio started to head towards the ground. It was very bright and the aura was sweet and tranquil, until my jovial mood was suddenly interrupted by the unforeseen jolt and my Nutella sandwich happly made it's way to the stale ground.

I was taken aback. No. Not my sandwich. My wrath have already reached to it's bourn.

'What the hell? Are you blind? Can't you see first and then walk. Aaaghh.' I was yelling at him.
'Girl calm down. You're making a fuss. It was just a sandwich.' Zara tried to comfort me.

'There is no need to waste our time here. Let's go to Ethan. C'mon dude.'
Those boys headed back to there origins.

'Yeah let's go from here.' They both pushed me through the corridor.

But I was fucking annoyed. If I would have been given just one chance I would have punched him so hard that he wouldn't be able to get up from his bed for weeks.

'Wasn't those guys hot? Zara started to transport in to her dream word.
'Hahahaha. Hot? Not funny Zara.' I was still furious.

'Hey guys. Mavis....Mavis.......'

'What about her?' We asked her.

'Where is she? Let's go to her.'

Mavis....hope everything is okay.

Hope you guys enjoy it~~

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