Life's too Short

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Elsa's P.O.V

I hurried down the hallway after math. I wish I was in Advanced Math. Then I could have a more exciting teacher, Be with Merida, Be with Jack... Wait what! I do not like Jack at all! And he doesn't like me! I saw Jack in the hall a little ways down standing next to Hiccup who looked like he had just been in a paintball war. I smiled and waved at them the turned away and blushed. Okay, so maybe I do like Jack. But that doesn't mean that he likes me. Does it? I rushed on to my next class which just happened to be Drama. When I got in the classroom I was shocked. There was paint splats everywhere! I looked for the teacher and there she was. Covered in paint and wearing green and black clothing was my drama teacher. I guess that we're playing paintball today. I thought about why. Oh! Probably because of war. the thought of war brought tears to my eyes. My parents are fighting in the war. At least my dad is. My mom is a nurse. I took a paintball gun from the teacher, who introduced herself as Mrs. Slone. I hid in a corner right behind the door and waited for someone else to come in since I was the only one here besides the teacher. I saw Merida come in. As she got her paint gun, I waved her over.

"Hi Elsa!" She said.
"Why did you wave me over? are you going to shoot paint at me?"

"No. I was going to suggest an alliance. My dad teaches me some strategies." I said in reply. She nodded and we shook on it.

When class was finally over I ran into Jack in the hallway. I blushed and turned and walked away when he looked at me. I could hear him running after me.

"Hey Elsa." he called. I stopped and turned around. he caught up to me.


"Do you want to go to the dance with me?" He asked nervously. I nodded in reply and walked away. I was extremely excited! I was asked to the dance on my first day of school here! And by one of the most popular boys in school! All of the sudden, I hand pushed me over and I stumbled, ruining my happy mood.

New character is coming! Can you guess who it is? comment or inbox me if you have an idea. The next chapter is going to start with Elsa again. I'm sorry this is so short. I just wanted to be able to update as soon as I got my fifteenth comment! thanks for actually commenting!

Eatin Bacon,


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