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Wilford wasn't sure how it had all happened, but he knew he had flung all the cameras across the room. Wilford didn't know whose blood was stained across his white shirt, but it the red crimson was painted all over him like a careful brushstroke.

Despite all things, Wilford knew exactly what had triggered his sudden rampage. This abnormal rampage of fear and sadness, rather than his usual dry anger.

They had been filming 'Warfstache, Tonight!' as they always did at this time, and someone had brought a safari hat onto the set. Wilford hadn't seen it until he was all pampered and sat down in front of all the cameras and bright lights. When the attention was all focused on him was when he lost it. He had lunged forwards, his vision clouded black and he was guided by pure pain.

Wilford remembered everything, he saw it all in flashes as his head pounded, like demons trying to punch their way out. Mark falling down the stairs, Celine screaming, Damien yelling at him... The memories spread through him like wildfire.

Wilford could feel the hat staring right at him, mockingly reminding him of every painful minute. Wilford crawled his way into a corner and let the feeling of death take over him.

The pink moustached man hadn't even realized he had been screaming until his lungs gave up on him and his throat felt raw, allowing only the scrapes of whispers through. He clawed at the floor, his nails digging at anything he could find, including himself.

Everyone was beyond confused, Wilford went on murder rampaged often, sure, that wasn't the surprising part, the surprising part was that he was crying, he seemed like a wounded animal. Wilford Warstache, the man who could bend time to his will, who would kill without a mere thought, who was strong beyond anyone's understanding seemed like a wounded animal.

However Dark knew, of course, The Darkiplier knew, one look at the hat and the clogs in his head started working until it easily clicked. Dark may have changed over the years, but the voices inside his head were still the same.

Dark debated with himself, but he made up his mind quickly, slithering his way quietly next to Wifolrd.

"William it's okay, it was all a prank. Just a joke." Dark whispered over and over, taking Will into his lap and soothing stroking his hair. Will finally calmed down, his sobs quieting down as he finally opened his eyes again, staring straight ahead.

"I knew the old Damien and Celine were still in there somewhere" Will commented with a small smile, felling Dark tense. Neither Damien nor Celine knew Wilford knew about their identities, they didn't even know Wilford knew who was in Dark, especially since Will had been repressing his memories ever since Mark had died.

Will didn't believe it, he knew what he had done, he could see it all now, but somehow, he let the calm, collected and alluring voice lull him back into safety like it had done plenty times before.

But Dark quickly relaxed, both entities wanting nothing more than to be able to console their friend, their lover.

"I have missed you old friend." Damien commented, chuckling softly as he felt Wilford begin to change position and face him. "I've missed you so much, William." Celine smiled sadly, running her thumb carefully across his face. But this wasn't William, and they weren't Damien and Celine anymore, everything had changed and there was nothing they could do about it.

Wilford got up like a spring, trying to fix himself and make himself look presentable again, the tear tracks across his face being wiped carelessly. Dark got up too, with the finesse and coolness only Dark could.

Wilford made his way back into the circle of cameras and faces, but not before grabbing Darks arm and smiling, whispering into the demon's ears and disappearing behind the sea of people.

"You may have Damien's attitude, but you'll always have her eyes."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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