Chapter Seven: The Building of the Wall

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     They were were welcomed into the village with loud applause. But the village people were more happy to see Akihiro, knowing that he would be the one to save them from the invaders.

     "Follow me," Akihiro said.

     He led them to a house in a corner of the village and guided them inside. The house had four beds inside, which was enough for everyone. He told them to put their stuff down and rest for a while.

     "Why?" Ryu asked. "Shouldn't we begin building the wall now?"

     Akihiro shook his head. "I'm a little tired right now from all that traveling. We'll begin early in the morning. Right now just get some rest. Once you've done that, you're free to go explore the village."

     Ryu sighed and sat down on one of the beds. Before he knew it, he had fell backwards and drifted off to sleep.

     "That was quick," Chi said as everyone went to sleep too.

     Ryu awoke an hour later. He was feeling okay and fueled up. He got out of bed and walked out of the house. He felt like doing a little exploring.

     Walking around, he realized that the village was devastated. Broken objects lay on the ground, buildings were half destroyed, and the people had sullen looks on their faces.

     He walked up to one of the women crowded next to a shop and asked, "What happened here?"

     She turned to look at him, her brown eyes filled with sadness. "The Ninja invaders attacked us earlier on today. We're lucky that they didn't take our food supply like they normally do. They destroyed our houses as they came by. It was horrible." She placed her hands on her face and began sobbing.

     Ryu tried his best to make a nice smile, but he failed. "Its okay. Once the wall is is up, you'll be well protected. Plus, we're Ninjas of the Hidden Leaf Village, so if they dare attack again, we'll handle them."

     "You're a Ninja?" the woman asked.

     Ryu nodded. "That's right. And I'm here with my team, too. So don't worry about anything. We'll deal with the invaders."

     The woman smiled and held Ryu's hand. "Thank you. We really appreciate what you're doing for us."

     "Its our pleasure," Ryu said. "Go on and don't worry."

     "Aren't you the hero of the day."

     Ryu spun around and found a smiling Chi leaning against a house. She stood up straight and walked up to him.

     "Do you really think us kids can stand up to full-fledged Ninjas by ourselves?" she asked. "What if its a huge army. All we have is three Genins and one Jonin."

     "We can handle them," Ryu said. "Anyway, lets head back. I think I've seen enough. The building of the wall begins in the morning."

The next morning, Team 9 woke up early in the morning, along with Akihiro, and left for the borders of the village, where they met up with other builders who would be helping to build the wall. Ryu was in the lead when they arrived. If he was happy about being there, his face didin't betray a single emotion.

     "Shall we get started?" Akihiro asked, pulling a piece of paper from his bag. "This is the plan for the wall."

     One of the taller builders took the paper and scanned it. "It'll do. Let's get working, men!"

     "Yeah!" cheered the other builders.

     Everybody gathered around the builder with the plan and looked at the paper. Once they had seen it, they all separated and went to gather piles of mud.

     "Let's go, Tsuyoshi," Akihiro said.

     Tsuyoshi nodded and stepped forward, standing next to Akihiro.

     "What are about to do?" Ryu asked.

     "Akihiro and I are the remaining Ninjas that aren't injured," Tsuyoshi said. "The rest are in the hospitals getting fixed up after the last encounter with the invaders. We will be using an Earth Style Jutsu to build the wall."

     "Let me help," Ryu said.

     Akihiro shook his head. "But you're a Fire Style type. It'll take us days to teach you Earth Style, and we don't have that much time."

     "Trust me, I can learn in a matter of seconds," Ryu said. "Just perform the Jutsu you'll be using to build the wall, and I'll learn it immediately."

     "But that's impossible."

     "You'll see." Ryu turned on his Sharingan.

     Akihiro sighed and put his hands together, then made the hand signs for Tiger, Hare, Boar, and Dog, and at the same time, Ryu copied the hand signs Akihiro did, and in unison, they both said, "Earth Style: Earth Wall Jutsu!" 

     The earth in front of Ryu and Akihiro immediately raised up and took form of a wall, standing fifty feet in the air. Akihiro stepped back in shock, amazed at how a young boy had easily copied his Jutsu.

     "Th-That's amazing," Akihiro said. "Your skills would really help us out."

     "I told you he was something else," Tsuyoshi said with a smile. "Chi and Jun, can you go help the other workers with the wall. Ryu, Akihiro, and I will go in the opposite direction around the village as you guys. We'll do this for about an hour, and then regroup back here. We'll start again in the morning after that."

     Chi looked furious. She spun around and walked off toward the other builders while Jun followed her from behind.


One hour later, everybody regrouped after working. They drank water, ate food, and talked. Ryu, who was exhausted from using so much Chakra, ate as much as he could.

     "You were a great help, Ryu," Akihiro said to Ryu as he sat down next to him. "Can't wait to get started tomorrow. We'll finish the wall early now that you're here."


     BOOM! There was a sudden explosion where workers were. They all turned around and saw the invaders, an army of them, all dressed like the people Team 9 had brought back.

     "Attack!" yelled the leader of the invaders.

     Ignoring his exhaustion, Ryu lept to his feet and charged. Tsuyoshi, Chi, and Jun did the same, along with several brave workers. The were all determined to end the suffering of this peaceful village.

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