Prolouge: The Later Times

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"Masky you can't just leave." I said. He was loading his gun getting ready to leave for a 'walk'. "Babe," He began. "I hafta to go. You know this." Masky said. "Tim! You barely tell me shit! Can't you tell me where you are going?" I pleaded. He glanced side ways at me. "I wish I could." Is all he said before trudging out the door the gun hidden in his pocket. "Damn it Tim! You never tell me anything." I muttered. I trudged over to the couch and flopped down. When will he tell me his background story? I wondered to myself. I can remember the day he did this to me almost like it was yesterday. I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels. There was nothing on. I turned the TV back off and groaned. My life completely and utterly sucks sooo hard at the moment. He should be back soon. I smirked at the thought of who he is killing this time. "Poor child." I whispered. I made a crazy laugh. The neighbors must think I'm supposed to be in an asylum.


"I really wish I could tell (Y/N) where I am going, but, I can't. Slendy would kill me." I whispered to myself. I felt the loaded gun in my pocket. Where did my life go wrong? I wondered. I'm a fucking murderer for JESUS CHRIST!! I started to cry. Thank the lord I have my mask on. I put the life I had behind me and I know exactly why! And lets keep it the way it is. No one but me knowing my troubled past. I quickened my pace as I was going to a certain place today. I walked up the long drive way to a mansion like house. Knocking on the door I readied my gun for the shot. Kill the parents first, then find the girl. She deserves what I'm about to give her. The door made a click as it opened. "H-hello?" said a small voice. Shit. The girl answered the door. "May I meet your parents child?" I asked. She made a thinking face and then finally called her parents. She left the door way as her mom and dad came into sight. "Who are you?" asked the mom. "Just a guy wanting to meet with a very beautiful girl." I said with a hidden smirk. "Take the mask off boy." The father demanded. "I'm afraid I cannot." I answered with a sad tone. The mother must have notice because she hushed her husband of the subject. My hand was on the gun ready for fire. "Lets come outside shall we?" I said. I walked to the back lawn area. The couple followed. I spun around suddenly and shot them both in the gun. "I'm sorry for the sudden movement." I said quietly. I took my mask off and showed the dying people my face. "You wouldn't want to live a life knowing this face would you now." I purred. I went to the door and walked inside. "Child? Come out!" I yelled. My voice bounced off the empty walls. I heard quiet sobs coming from what I assumed was the bathroom. Stalking the halls toward the room the sobs got louder. "Child, are you crying? You will be perfectly fine my dear." I said soothingly. The door opened and the girl appeared. "What happened to mommy and daddy?" She asked whimpering. "They are going to be fine." I lied. She noticed the cracking in my voice and screeched. "YOU MONSTER!!" she yelled barreling toward me. I caught her in my arms before she hit me. "You can't hurt me." I hissed in her ear. I carried her out of the house. Her hand in mine to make the people think we new each other. We reached the house and knocked on the door. "(Y/N) open up!" I yelled.


I walked over to the door and opened it slightly. He kicked the door open completely and walked in. Tim had a little girl around 11 years old in his iron grip. "Who's this?" I asked wearily. "A little girl." He answered plainly. He turned away to start trudging down the hall. I grabbed his jacked and spun him around. He pushed me against the wall. "Do it again! I DARE YOU!!" He yelled at me. "Tim talk to me." I said quietly. "What do you mean?" He asked lowering his voice. "Your past. I'm talking about your past." I said. He better answer or I'll kill him. "I can't tell you that." He answered with a sad tone to his voice. I pulled him closer and looked him in the black eyes. Lifting my hand I touched his face tenderly. "Masky," I said. I took his mask off slowly. "Don't," he said with anger rising. "I'm afraid I can't do that." I said quietly mocking him. I took his mask off completely. I gasped. To my surprise his face was fine. I was imagining a demon of some sort or a ruined complexion. "Your face is fine!" I raised my voice slightly with a frown. "Yea," He said with a smirk. "What'd you expect?" He asked. I left my mouth hung open. I didn't know an answer. He pulled me into a kiss. I tensed up but slowly rested my body against his. "I love you Tim..." I whispered. "I know." He answered back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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