Adoption Day ~ Chapter 1

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Hey! My name is Kass! I'm gonna tell you a bit about what my life has been like in the foster system.

Age : 14
Fav Color : Pink
Hobbies : Draw, and hangout
Worst fear : Being Bullied


Now that you know a bit about me, let me tell you something.

______________________________"Time to get up and ready for school!!" Miss.Wall said angrly. "Ugh.... Coming Miss.Wall...." I said. I get up and walk into the bathroom. I put the toliet seat down, and sit down. I open the drawer, and pick up the glass shard. I pull up my sleeve, and began to cut my self. 2 for my parents, 1 for Miss.Wall, 2 for the bullies, and 3 for me. I clean the blood off the razor, then I clean myself up. I go to my closet, then all the sudden, Miss.Wall walks in. "Schools been cancelled" she said, then she walked out of my room and shut the door. I hopped back in bed and tried to get some sleep, but the only thing I could think about was my parents, there death, I couldn't get it out of my head. Then once again Miss.Wall walks. "Clean yourself up, we are having a adoption day!" . Then she walks out of the room and shut the door. I get out of bed, and walk to my closet, then I get dressed. (The outfit is below)

I walk down stairs and line up

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I walk down stairs and line up. I'm not going to get picked anyway so what's the point. Miss.Wall walks down the line of boys and girls."Now guys, I want you to be on your best behavior. Okay?" She said with a bit of a tone. "Yes Miss.Wall" we all say. Then she opens the doors and says "come in, welcome!" A guy walks in with a puppy in his arms. I look at the collar, Kong, hmm wierd. Then a old couple walks in, then a couple in there mid 20's walks in. The guys with the dog walks to me. "Hello, My name is Logan! What's your name?" He said."M-my name is Kass". I said. Then he turns around and walks away. He walks up to Miss.Wall and tells her something I can't quite understand. When everything gets done and over with, we all go up to our rooms, and start to get ready for bed. All the sudden, Miss.Wall walks in. " Pack your stuff, you got adopted!!" She said trying to sound excited! I run around and grab my bag. I run to my closet and take all my clothes and stuff them in my bag. Then I run into the bathroom and grab all of my makeup and hairspray. Then I run downstairs and see the guy with the puppy. "Hello" I said. "Hey! You down here! That fast! Wow!" Then the guy turns to Miss.Wall and signed the papers for me and she had a copy and then Miss.Walls gave him a copy. "Ready to go to your new home?" He said. "Ugh yeah!" I say. Me and him walk outside and when he walks to his car, I open my jaw. "Like what ya see?" He says sarcasticly. "You have a 10 foot tall Jeep??" I said with a surprised tone. "Yeah, I call it the Yeti!" He said with a funny tone. Then we both get inside the Yeti, I have a little trouble getting but I get there. Logan starts the Yeti and drives off from the adoption center. When we finally get to his house, we get out and I see Logan holding a camera. "What's that for?" I say pointing at the camera. "I'll tell you later. It's a surprise!" Logan says with a excited tone. When we finally get up to his apartment, I see Kong and I run to him. "OMG HES SO CUTE!!" I say while squealing and screaming. Logan chuckles and walks to the couch and sits down. "So this is your place??" I said kinda excited. "Yep this is it!" He say acting all giddy. All the sudden I see a parrot fly twords me, and of course I scream. "WHAT IS THIS THING ON MY HEAD??" I say freaking out. Then Logan laughs and gets up and comes over to me, and get this parrot of my head. "What is that thing?" I say kinda freaked out. "This thing is Maverick!" He says still laughing from what just happened. "Well you better go get some rest, you've had a long day, and we have a even longer one tommorow." Logan says. "Alright. Witch room is mine?" I say. "Down the hall and the last room on the right." He says. I stand up and get me stuff, then walk to my room. I put all my stuff away, then slipped my shoes off, and put a hoodie on. I then drift off to sleep.

Hey guys! Yeah I know I haven't posted anything in awhile, I will try to get a chapter out asap. But until then, stay welathly my hoes!! 💰💰💰💸💸💸

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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