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First off I would like to say sorry for not posting for a long time I've been busy I'm so sorry. this is also the final part of this story.

Gizzy was explaining, "So after we found out we had feelings for each other we started to date and after two years of dating I proposed to her and we got married not too long after that. mummy was to one how did the saramonie, Hunter was my best man, and Demon was Victoria's bride's maid(i know that they said he in the real series but for the sake of my story Demon is a she)." Sam was trying not to act too confused but still questioned: "I thought Hunter hated us for being the cause of his death?" "He was but he got over it after a few months and we became best friends still are too," Gizzy confessed. Gizzy stopped in front of the court yeard door but Sam kept walking toward their old room that now belonged to Hunter. "dude I thought I mentioned that we moved into a courtyard room," Gizzy called after Sam. Sam embarrassed just followed Gizzy though the courtyard. Sam noticed that the door they were approaching had a gold plate on it engraved to say Mr. and Mrs. Gazza. They walk in and find a pregnant Victoria who doesn't notice Sam right away; she does, however, run over to her husband and kiss him as if she hadn't seen him in months even though it was only a few minutes. "Gizzy honey the last of the baby stuff came in it's in the nursery," Victoria exclaimed pointing to the pink door that had the name Vanessa on it. "That's great babe but before we start with our princesses room I have brought an old friend that you might remember," Gizzy said motioning toward Sam who just shyly waves to the woman he once loved. Victoria gives Sam an excited hug, "Sam its great to see you. How long are you staying? Can you help set up the nursery?" "I don't know how long I will be here and of course I will help with the baby's room," Sam said following the couple to the powder pink room. Victoria heads to the box labeled crib when Gizzy grabs her waist and stops her, "babe I don't want you building any of this furniture I cant have either of my girls hurt please. you can unpack the toys and decorate." She smiles and nods heading toward to smaller boxes. 

Victoria finishes before the boys and by the time they are done they see her taking a nap on the bed. "Hey, Gizzy does she take naps often?" "No well not until she got pregnant then she takes a nap every day but she is cute when she sleeps." Gizzy and Sam sit in the room and talk till Victoria wakes up. "Gizzy, Victoria I have decided to move into the hotel and stay here forever. I want to be part of your lives agian." The couple smile and nod saying that they would love to have him back.


Gizzy Gazza Haunted hotelWhere stories live. Discover now