The plan

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Annie pov-
Hayden was acting very weird. I don't know what's up with him ever since we left the jewelry store he's been acting super weird. Tomorrow am meeting with my beat friend Carson. I don't know if I still like him because all I have in my mind is Hayden. Let's see how it goes and I will decide. I really hope Carson doesn't asks me out because then that would be all messed  up because what if I don't like him anymore or what if I like Hayden more than Carson. I just really hope he doesn't.
  "Hey Hayden Kenzie texted me to meet them at a nearest Starbucks, for our hang out." I say to Hayden while I get my sweater. "Okay come on let's go and have fun tonight" says Hayden. I opened the door and Hayden shut the door behind him. We walked to where his car was and I went on maps to see the nearest Starbucks that it was only  3 minutes minutes. Hayden drove over there.
When we got there we went in and looked around for Kenzie and Johnny. I spot them and and walked to their table. "Hey guys how's everything going" said Johnny "good and yours" said Hayden back. "Mines and Annie's are good like always" said Kenzie. I smiled. We went to order our drinks and Hayden paid my drink like always, and johnny paid Kenzie's. We went outside and walked around. Hayden and Johnny walked in front of us, so that ended up us, Kenzie and me be behind. Hayden tolled something to Johnny and Hayden took out something out of his pocket. Right there Kenzie started to talk to me and I couldn't see what Hayden took out but was something little. Mm. I don't know..maybe he showed Johnny his new watch.

Hayden's pov-
I paid Annie's drink and mines. Me and Johnny head out leaving the girls out we walked and I tolled Johnny about what my plan is, but I also need Kenzie's opinion. " So Johnny today we went to the mall because i wanted just to hang and look around. So when we were there we went to this jewelry store. I saw a watch and grabbed it. I saw Annie looking a necklace. She kept on touching it and looking at it a lot. She didn't grab the necklace so she could paid it or me. She went to the tings section and I grabbed the necklace Annie was looking at and paid it without letting her know. I really like her and I wanted to ask her out. But my plan is to kneel down and I would get this box that looks like a ring box, and hold it up with I kneel down. I would say her name and how much I like her and open the box and get an answer." I tell Johnny my plan. "I love it"  says Johnny "thanks" I say back.
We all walked to our rooms Annie was pretty hyper right now she Kept on Laughing. We would just say one word and she'd be laughing hard already. Wired. Annie ran up and down. When we were only 2 mins away from our college, Annie ran to our room. I had to the chance to tell Kenzie about my plans. She also liked it. Wow am ready to do this. We all went our separate ways and I took my shoes off and tolled Annie I was going to bed. I put on my pjs. Soon enough I was asleep.

Kenzie's pov-
I actually loved Hayden's idea. I need Johnny to do that to me too. Annie tolled me about her "date" with Carson. I really hope she doesn't like him back because then I would feel very bad for Hayden. He literally spend like 500 dollars on Annie. What a waist of time and money. I also know that Annie does like Hayden and Hayden likes a
Annie back. Wow can't wait for then to date already

End of the chapter. Sorry if I took forever to post but I got stuff on homework. What do you think will happen next. Will the date with Carson go will or not? Comment what you think will happen. Xox

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