6 - The Relationship Goes To Another Bitter Argument And Now A Break-Up!

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This is will be the same situation as Chapter 4, but with different characters! Enjoy!


Louis can't believe that it's been a week since he forgave his boyfriend for cheating on him with Kendall Jenner and he promised that he would never do it again! Louis is at work right now because he's working until 10:00 tonight! Fingers crossed that Harry won't cheat on him again while he is working his ass off so he can save money and live with him forever! 

It's 9:45 and his manager just asked him if he can stay until 1:00 am because he doesn't have anybody else to do the shift. Of course Louis said "Yes" because he needs the money in order to keep saving it so he can live with his fantastic boyfriend! After Harry told the manager what Michael did to Louis, the manager decided to fire Michael because he didn't deserve to be working with a guy who has more potential than him and all he does is sit there and flirt with Louis. Louis texted his lovely boyfriend about what the manager asked him to do.

To: Harry <3

Hey babe, my boss just asked me if I can stay until 1 and I said 'yes' because I need the money in order to keep saving it so I can live with u! Sorry if that happened! Thanks for understanding! Love u so much!

The message was sent and within 45 seconds, Harry replies.

From: Harry <3

Hey u! No need to thank me! If he needs u to stay a couple more hours, I completely understand! I'll be there when your shift ends. Love u, Lou!

Louis turns his phone off until he gets a text notification from an anonymous person.

From: Anonymous

One Direction's Harry Styles was spotted holding hands with a mysterious girl and kissing her passionately on the lips. Apparently, once again, the One Direction fans knew that Styles had a boyfriend. fellow One Direction bandmate, Louis Tomlinson! The mysterious girl was tall and had straight blonde hair! A One Direction fan gave us a piece of paper with the mysterious girl's identity! The girl is none other than Styles' ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift! "Haylor" is back together One Direction fans!

Louis tears up. Wipes his tears and walks into his manager's office and told him that he's leaving early because he has to be back there tomorrow morning at 8:00 am and he wants to go home and get some sleep. The manager said that was okay. Louis leaves and walks to the one place he always go to when something's not right between him and Harry, his cousin, Olivia's house.

2 hours and 30 minutes later. Harry arrives at the record shop and sees that no one is in there, not even his boyfriend! But the door was open. He went inside and saw Louis' manager standing there. Harry asked where Louis was and he said that he went home. Harry knew that wasn't true. He thanked the manager and texted Olivia because he knew that the last time he and Louis had an argument, Louis went Olivia's house. 

The following is the conversation between Harry and Olivia:

(Harry) Where's Louis?

(Olivia) Leave him alone! Go and be with Taylor Swift! After all, she is your girlfriend!

(Harry) No she's not! Is Louis with you?

(Olivia) Harry, you broke his heart for the third time after he just took you back a week ago!

(Harry) How did I break his heart the third time? I promised him that it'll never happen again! You're lying!

(Olivia) No I'm not! Louis has the proof that you have been cheating on him and that Kendall Jenner was your cover-up to cheat on him. 

(Harry) For the last time, is Louis with you?

(Olivia) Yes he is! He's safe and sound here with me because this is where he lives!

(Harry) Olivia, he lives with me!

(Olivia) Do you need to see him?

(Harry) Of course! Give me 15 minutes!

Harry was going to Olivia's house to go see his boyfriend!

Harry was going to Olivia's house to go see his boyfriend!

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15 minutes later. He arrives at Olivia's house and knocks on the door. Olivia lets him in. Harry sees Louis. (Louis) What the hell Harry? First Nick Grimshaw kissed you, then you cheated on me with Kendall Jenner, your ex-girlfriend and now you cheated on me with Taylor Swift, your other ex-girlfriend! How could you do this to me, Harry? For the third time? Seriously? All you want to do to me is use me because I know for damn sure that it's true that you're using me so you can cheat on me with your ex-girlfriends! After I just forgave you for cheating on me with Kendall Jenner a week ago! Partners don't do these things to each other, Harry! (Harry) Louis, just hear me out! These are all just publicity stuff for Taylor's music because one of her songs is a love one that involves that a loving boyfriend! That's all we did, Louis! Trust me! (Louis) How can I trust you? I trusted you that you wouldn't do this to me ever again, now that trust is broken and so are we! In fact, Harry I'm not leaving with you! I'm staying here with Olivia and what that means for you and I (no pun intended!) is that we're done and we're breaking up! I gave you 2 chances to prove your worthiness to me and you would stop cheating on me, now those are gone and done and so are we! Goodbye Harry!

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