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Chapter 1

The Beginning

The air smells like rain, the grass was just turning green, and the trees were just budding. I see my mother. She stared at me. I caught her eyes for a second but quickly look away. I couldn’t take anymore pressure. On the first day of spring all the people in the town gather together in remembrance of Hailey Con the founder of our town Lexerville. On that day every 10 years we pick a new person to be our leader. It has to be a girl of age eighteen. This year is the year.

My mother Valerie, brother James,and I went to the town square where everyone meets. My father works all the time so he couldn’t make it. All the eighteen year old girls line up along the sidewalk. I am one of them. The elders are the main people who choose the new leader, even though everyone has a say in the decision most people just agrees with the elders to save time. No one really cares which I think is stupid because I would like to pick since we have to live in the town anyway.  When you get tested they touch everything your arms, legs, underarms, and stomach if you can name it they have seen it. They poke places that I didn’t even know were there.

There are ten girls in the line and everyone wants to be the leader. Except I’m not sure if I want to. I don’t think I could take on the responsibility. We have known each other since we started school. My best friend Madi was standing next to me.

“Hey Carrie.” she says

“SHH…..You know we aren’t supposed to talk.”

“I know I can’t help it.”

I look at her like she is crazy.

“Who do you think will get to be leader?”

“I don’t know.” But I did know. It would be her the most popular girl all the guys fall for. She knew all the things about everything in the city anyway. The only thing she lacked was courage and she was very modest. I liked that about her. Just as the oldest elder was making the decision to pick Cylia, a very obnoxious, mean girl, someone yelled “STOP” The man was tall and slender he wore a black T-shirt, jeans and dark tennis shoes. He had blonde hair and was clean cut. He stood up and walked over to the elder that was picking.

“You are picking the wrong girl.” he said.

“Why do you say that?” The women asked.

“Because” he said “I know Cylia she is wicked and will not do this city any good.”

“How do you know that?” she asked

“I know because she is my sister.”

Chapter 2

Everyone gasps. The elder looks concerned.

A man screamed “What are we gonna do?”

"Well we have to pick someone." Said the elders.

"Pick Carrie." He said. "I know she will do you and this town good."

I looked at him. I knew I couldn't do it. "No." I said. "Pick Madi, She knows everything there is to know about this town. Plus she has experience. With her mom and everything."

The people in the crowd nodded. "Pick Madi. Carrie is right." A woman screamed.

The elder looked cross at me and the man who started all of this. "Fine." She said. "Madi is your new leader."

Everyone cheered and chanted her name. The oldest elder came to me and whispered in my ear.

"This is all you fault if the people rebel it will be because of you. A war could start and if it does we know who to kill."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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