1: Our Love Story

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I just sat there on the floor, unable to move. My heart began beating faster and it began to become more difficult to breath. I couldn't be pregnant, this just can't be true. Yet, it was. All thoughts of what could happen began to rush into my mind in a big blur and the true panic began to settle in. I jumped at the sound of a knock to the bathroom door.

"Hey, Anne?" asked a soothing, raspy voice. It was Keith. Keith Avila and I have been together since the 8th grade and were the high school sweethearts of our graduating high school class of 2012. We live in our own small, one-bedroom apartment and attend the same college that's only 2 blocks away. Right now we're on summer vacation and will be entering this next academic year as sophomores. I'm 20 years old and Keith is 21.

Keith is absolutely the most amazing guy I know and will ever meet. We were childhood friends back in the day when we would play in the mud, push each other around, and run away from each other because we had contagious cooties. And one day it all just kinda happened, and we fell in love. At the time when we began dating everyone said we were too young and it wouldn't last, but here we are now, five and a half years later, still together.

Now how can I describe Keith to you? Ah yes, Keith is one of those guys who doesn't seem to realize how truly gorgeous they are and unintentionally dazzle you to death with their good looks and charm. He's the kind that shys away from everyone else and will sit in the back of the class and observe. You don't notice him because he won't say a word, but the moment he does, it leaves everyone in shock and in awe. Yet, here I came, little Ms. Anne Conley, the only one who can take him out of his shell and go on adventures, that he alone, would never go on.

You could say that in a way, Keith and I are total opposites. He's calm and quiet, I'm crazy and loud. He's shy, I'm outgoing. He's responsible, I'm a mess. He's a perfect angel, I'm a defective demon. Yet, with all these extreme differences, we fit so perfectly together. I help him be a bit more out there, he helps me control myself. Of course, being opposites, we occasionally have our arguments, disagreements, and fights, but we always work it out and get past it.

As out of control as I can get, he has always been here by my side to keep me aligned. Even though this has been the only relationship that we both have ever been in, I knew, from the moment I really looked at him, that he was the one. Many people have found it both strange and impressive that we've been each others first at everything, and that we've also been each others only. I've been asked why I haven't dated around, met different people, and been told that maybe Keith isn't everything and that there's more, but the thing is, I don't want anything more or less than Keith. With Keith, I have more than plenty, more than I deserve, more than what I need. Sometimes it's difficult to explain to others what it is that I see in my significant other. Sometimes I, myself, can't explain it, but there's just this one strong, dominant feeling pinned inside my heart that just tells me, it's him, he's the one. And with that, I don't need anymore explanations and reasons.

I love Keith to the depths of my soul, till the end of time, and no matter what people say and what happens, I always will. I know Keith feels the same, don't ask me how, I just know. Some things just can't be explained to others. When two people are in a strong, committed relationship, only the two know and understand what they feel for each other without needing to say it. With a simple look to the eyes, a tender smile, a warm hug, or a swift kiss on the cheek, they both can understand and feel the love that is there. That's how Keith and I are to one another. At times, no words are necessary to say when the heart can communicate with a simple action that says it all. 

"Anne?" asked Keith again, more concerned as he knocked on the door louder when I didn't respond. I cleared my throat, closed my eyes tight, and took one deep breath.

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