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The Alpha looked to the wolf pup on the couch. Then, he said outloud, "This sort of thing has never happened." He turned to the shelf to grab a few books off. "I know there is no oral record."

He looked to the door, hearing footsteps come down the hall. You could tell by the look on the alpha’s face that he knew the person was going to knock on the door. He went over to the couch and set the books down next to the pup. She went to sniff them.

Sternly, the alpha said, “Don’t play with them.” He winked and shook his finger playfully at her. Then, he scratched behind her ear. She was an odd one. She was almost pure white with a hint of gray.

After scratching her ear, the alpha went to open the door just as the guy was about to knock. “News, Ryan?”

Ryan looked down out of respect, then he said, “Not good for her, sir.” Her ears had perked up as she layed down on the couch. He whispered, “Both of them are dead, Cad.”

The alpha, Cad, swore under his breath as he heard her start to whimper. Now, she knew she was orphaned. No, pup should be left on its own, but they were ordered by the council to make a rouge in their territory part of their pack or take them out. Sadly, the pack had been badly injured when they saw the pup. They stopped their attacks, but it was already too late to save them. Now they had an odd werewolf pup on their hands.

Cad went over to her and picked her up. He cradled her, not sure exactly what to do. He ran his hand down the pup’s soft fur. When he got back nears her head, she nipped his finger, drawing blood.

He swore again, as Ryan grinned at him from the doorway, “This the most I’ve heard you swear in a long time.” Cad shook his head at him.

The alpha sighed after a few minutes, then said, “Pick up a book and see if you can find something about her condition.”

Ryan nodded, “Yep.” Cad spun around and sat down on the couch on one side of the books with the pup in his lap as Ryan strode over to sit down on the other side of the pile. He pick up one and started flipping through it.


It was atleast a half hour later when Ryan stop, “Cad?” He turned his head to Ryan. The pup was not too happy as her furry little tail beat hard against his leg.

Ryan continued, “Well, you may want to read it with smart pants.” She snorted at the statement. The guys both chuckled at her. She turned away with her nose in the air. “She’s a spunky little thing.”

Cad took the book in one hand and scanned the page. “This doesn’t make sense. All wolves have a mate.” She turned her head back to him, apparently confused.

Ryan “The best thing would be not to talk about it to the pack, but there could be another explanation. Could it not from our world?”

Cad put the book down and shrugged. “I have no clue, but we will figure it out.” The pup looked up at him as he rubbed his chin, thinking. He breathed out, “For now, we make her one of us. She’ll be mine.” Now, both the pup and Ryan looked at him confused. “I have to mark her of this pack.”

Ryan shook his head and got abit loud, “Cad, she’s a damn child. You really think it’s necessary?”

Cad looked down at the pup, “Sadly, yes. She needs to have the connection to the pack.” He didn’t look at them as he brought the pup up to his chest. He could feel her little body shake against. Cad’s face distorted. He didn’t want to, but it was better than leaving her out. His hand turned into a paw.  You could smell the change in the air. It smelled like the forest. She knew the sent and started to yelp. He closed his eyes to breath. When he opened them, they were yellow and red rimmed trying not to cry. It hurt him to do this to her. He quickly brought his claws across her thigh. The pup hollered as the red seep through the broken skin. He let himself cry. You could tell he hated himself for this. Her parent were gone, and now she was in pain, because of him and his pack, her pack now. This should have never happened, but this was the only way to correct it the best he could.

He picked her up to look at her. The blood stopped and her leg was already healing. “Well, my little pup.” He paused for a second. “Welcome to the pack, Gwenhwyvar Boyce.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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