Lost hope (2/2)

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Capricorns p.o.v

I wipe a tear from my eye, then another one drips down it catches onto my lip, I lick my lip, I can't believe it. Aquarius runs down the corridor, he turns to the toilets Gemini running after him. Aries puts his arms around Taurus and Scorpio. There was a bench right next to me I sat down looking clueless as to what was happening but I knew full well what was happening Pisces has left, all our hearts broken, sadness filled the area. We're all silent...
"Why did she leave?" I questioned.
I didn't get an answer for a few minutes,
"I.. I don't know," Cancer murmured, "Something to do with her mum... I think."
Silence filled the air.

In the boys toilets

Aquarius' p.o.v

I sat in a cubicle. Tears streaming down my face, I sat against the door. Suddenly, I heard a voice

"Dude?" Asked Gemini, he waited a few seconds, "Silent treatment, I get it. At least knock on the door if your there."
There was a tap, the door shook, Gemini sat down and leaned against the door.
"I could of been saying bye.. or, or maybe even stopping her! How selfish of me," cried Aquarius.
"Don't blame yourself dude. It's over now anyway." Told Gemini.
It was silent until... the toilet door screeched open,
"Lets go." Ordered Aquarius
On the way Aquarius was on his phone :


Aquarius- I need to no the truth, the whole truth
Read by Pisces

Pisces is typing
Pisces- I need 2 talk 2 u
Read by Aquarius

Aquarius is typing
Aquarius- k then
Read by Pisces

Pisces is typing
Pisces- Nooo, I mean I need u 2 call me
Read by Aquarius

Aquarius is typing
Aquarius- ok I'll call u now

Third person

"I got in touch with Pisces, I gotta call her!" Exclaimed Aquarius.
"That's good dude." Replied Gemini.
Aquarius turns on his phone puts in the password and starts typing Pisces' number in.The phone rings.
*doo doo, doo doo* the phone answers.

A few minutes later

Pisces has told Aquarius everything. She had left to Rio in South America. She had to leave because her mother got a job offer for $1000 a DAY and it was modeling.

*Aquarius is still on the phone*

"Are you gonna move on from us?" He asked.
The answer was: no of course not I'm going to visit every 2 months.

The phone then ended, Aquarius and Gemini sped to the rest of the group,
"I- I know everything," exclaimed Aquarius, "About Pisces."
"That's great news!" Squealed Leo.
Aquarius explained every last detail to the rest of the group, they all drew back their tears and just thanked that she was ok. They all left, they ran to their cars 4 in each.

Flashback over

"2 years is a long time." Capricorn sobbed, wiped her eyes with a tissue and sighed.

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