skate training

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Mom-so Lisa how was the skate park
Lisa-mom you dont know kc was there
Lisa-mom I wanna know how to skate too
Mom-lets support first your true ambition
Lisa-thanks mom

As the morning came Lisa went to the skate park so early

Nanci-lisa what
Lisa-can I join the academy for the skate lessons
Nanci-sure...wait really
Nanci -well best it's 25$ each session
Lisa-ico do this
Nanci-fine...your regesterd
Nanci-you see that ring fear over there that's your class
Nanci-go now there

As Lisa went to the ring ice center Lisa is suprised to the instructor

Instructor-hello class I will be your instructor in skating so let's start to warm up
A student-sir what's your name
Leo-my name is leo...okay let's start

As they where starting Lisa came late

Lisa-oh I'm sorry I'm late
Leo-yes your very late....and because your late you have to go around the whole skate area
Leo-now start 30 times
Lisa-wait I'm here to train not to go around
Leo-this is a part of your training

As Lisa go around the whole area

Lisa-leo I'm done now
Leo-not yet
Lisa-wait wut

Lisa fallowed Leo and they went to the mall

Lisa-hey where in the mall
Leo-yes get out
Leo-what did you said

That's the end of the thrird part of Lisa's journey

Word count:267

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