G1 Starscream x Reader {2}

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"What was your name again, puny organic?"

Starscream peered down at the small human who was attempting to fix the dents embedded into the giant mechs foot.

"(Y/n). My names (Y/n)!" She responded, happy to be hearing anything but another rant about Megatron.

"(Y/n), huh?" He echoed with a sneer, moving his cold lips in disgust, "I don't think my memory banks can remember such a pathetic name." The small human just rolled her (E/c) eyes and continued on with his repairs, which caused the mech to become a little bemused.

"Don't I intimidate you, fleshling?" Starscream asked quietly, which didn't suit his screechy voice at all.

The organic popped her head from behind his foot, a mini buffer in hand, "Well, course 'ya d-do! But... You're an Autobot...An Autobots save people and what-not.... " Her voice trailed off as she disappeared behind the mech's foot again and went back to business.

The seeker kept his mouth shut, tilting his helm up toward the gloomy sky with dreary optics. A few silent seconds drifted by, only being broken by the sounds of clinking and chipping metal. The mech leaned back on the fading white fence, a metallic sigh leaving his screechy voice box as the fence threatened to crack.

"How many more megacycles are you going to take?!" Starscream screeched, bashing his clutched servo onto the ground which caused (Y/n) to become distraught.

She stumbled back, a little more tense than usual, "Well, I-I don't really know what your main damages are so it should take quite a few... 'Megacycles'" She whispered, but just loud enough for his audio receptors to pick up.

"Do you even know what a megacycle is?" The mech enquired, moving forward in his sitting position slightly so that he loomed over her. She shook her head, not even trying to hide her timid look. Starstream sighed in frustration, though his optics showed satisfaction, and lent back onto the fence with a huff.

With award silence filling the atmosphere, the small organic climbed up onto his crossed legs and started work on a piece of rusted metal which had become loose, "S-so, your body structure is so unique. What do you transform i-into, Starsteam--"

"Its Starscream, you simple minded flesh creature!"

"M-my bad, Starscream." The mech murmured another insult whilst pointing toward his wings.

"Is it not obvious? I transform into an F-15 Eagle! The most powerful fighter jet you puny humans can offer." The deception proclaimed, lifting his servos up to feel his rusting wings, which he did almost proudly.

Silence followed as (Y/n) nodded and continued her work. Starscream lazily watched her work for the next half hour, occasionally cracking a smile of amusement when she fell off his metal body. But the routine began to bore the mech, which the small human noticed when his optics threatened to make him to go into stasis.

"You do know you can sleep while I work on you? I don't mind, and besides, you look pretty tired." She reassured him with a fake grin, distracting the robot from her own tired eyes.

Starscream muttered his disapproval toward the idea, but his optics couldn't stay open forever, "Alright human, but if you dare ruin my wiring while I'm not watching you, I can't say you'll be online anymore..."


Starscream's optics swiftly lifted open and the mech suddenly became aware of his surroundings. The sky informed him that it was the dead of night, the time that all organics usually go into stasis and the best time to ambush the Autobots.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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