New School

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Overwatch high was a little high school that just opened. The building was on it's first day of school.

At it's head was Mrs Amari Ana, there was a debate of who will dirige the school with her old friends Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes. Since the woman got more authority she got the post.

The tree adult were waiting there first students to arrive. They were surrounded by the other teachers.
Reinhart Wilhelm the sport teacher, Winston the smart gorilla that teach computers functions, Torbjörn Lind Holm the mechanics teacher, Angela ziegler the nurse, Mako Rutledge the school janitor and Zenyata the sience of life and earth teacher.

Jack teaches history and geography and Gabriel Spanish and English.

The first one to arrive were fareeha the daughter of the director accompanied by Jesse Mcree.
Her mother started to do big wave to salute her, making the other adult recede from her to not be punched.

Fareeha put a hand to her face, feeling embarrassed by her mother act. Lena Oxton started laughing behind her, she was walking to arrive at the school.

Then followed Satya Vaswani, that came calmly just at the hour it was requested. Few minutes after the Shimada brother arrived. They were arguing on something.

Some explosive sound was behind her of course it was Jamison Fawkes that played with firecracker to make an entry. He was laughing madly by the fact that everyone present jumped of surprise.

Then he got shot on the head by something and stopped laughing.

He turned around to see who did that trying to brush away the feeling of hurt. He saw a 6 meter away girl with long blu hair tied in ponytail glaring angrily at him and playing with a stone in her right hand, Amélie Lacroix

- hey mate! That hurt! How did you  get my head from this far away!?

- I never miss...

- and why did you di that?

- you almost touched me with your fuckin explosion! Crétin!

The Blond guy closed his mouth and go far away from the Frensh girl. She walked and joined Lena who seemed happy to see her. She sighed.

Mei-Ling Zhou and Hana Song were talking on their way they joined Lena too that entered the conversation.

Lúcio Correia dos Santos was on his skate with earplugs on. He seemed to go forward at the rithm of the music he was listening. Eyes closed he bumped on someone. He stopped, opened his eyes and looked up. He saw Aleksandra Zaryanova . The girl was really tall and muscular.

- ops sorry didn't mean to

- it'z okay little man, I didn't feel you actually

Lucio felt aquard he got away to greet his other friends.

By the time it was the moment to start the explaination of the place, Mrs Amari presented herself and explained the rules. Then one by one the teachers presented them self and their subject.

- is tha' a gorilla? Asked Mcree to Fareeha at his left.

- Hum yes it seem so.

- what is he doing here? Asked Lena in return.

- he actually speek look! Said Jamison choked.

Winston presented himself as the computer technology teacher and all the student hoooed by surprise.

After every teacher did their presentation it was time to enter the school and show the students around.

Jack stayed behind with Gabriel to count how many they were and keep an eye on them.

- 10, 11, 12.... Wait! Some one is missing... Said Jack

- huh? Who?

- they should be 13 students

- damn it... Whatever it's their lost to be late on the first day, I will take care of the punishment....

The dark man got an evil smirk as he said that, and an like evil laugh came out.

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