Reinhardt Height

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- why did I agree to teach in this school...

- because I ordered you to Jack...

- since when were you at lead before the school Ana?

- You never were taken seriously, every one was scared of me.

While those two were arguing, the students continued to look around the school with Reinhart. The other teachers were preparing their lesson for the rest of the day.

Hana though about the fact that the man was really tall, she wondered how long he measured and started bets. She told the other that the one who found out, will not pay anything in the coffee bar they decided to go after school.

- okay luv! Then I bet he is 5 meters!

Lena started to bet and the other followed.

- is it because you are small that you say that?

Amelie smirked at her comment, she liked to tease the British girl. And that worked because the girl glared at her pouting. Hana laughed at the comment too, before the other told her she wasn't tall either.

- Lucio is smaller than me!

- Hey!

The young bresilian glared at her, he usually didn't complexed on his height but they were talking about a contest and that sort of get on him.

- No!? Really Lucio? Wait come here...

Hana walked close to him and he was even smaller than her she started to laugh hard. The boy blushed he was totally embarrassed now. He decided to get away from the group.

Hana run to him to say sorry, Lena apologized to him to, she was the one who started talking about his weight after all.

After a hug every thing got back on the bet, Hana even posted it on the school Facebook page.

- I'd say he is at lest 3 meter. Said Genji

His brother called him fool and said it was not possible. The two of them started to fight.

- I 'd say 8.8....

- Satya... You' re exaggerating... Jesse told her with half closed eyes.

- it have to be symmetrical...

- are you serious... Said Lena

They continued to walk with some telling normal dimention and other like Jamison exaggerated one.

- When I was little he told me he was 2,2 said Fareeha

- so it have to be the answer.

Every one decided to ask the man in question, then a comment from some one that wasn't with them appeared on the publication.

" it's 2.23 ;)" the commenter name was 50M8R4.

- who's that? Asked Lena.

- dunno but they actually are precise maybe it's the answer... Said Hana.

- come on I'm sure it's just a joke... Said Zarya

- nope I' m serious. Came a voice behind the group.

They all turned around and saw a girl with half shaved hair and clear brown skin. They looked at her with a questioning look.

- Holla.

- ho non... Pas toi... Said Amelie.

The girl came closer to the Frensh girl and booped her nose. That made her more pissed of and she intensely glared at the latina.

- And how could you know that?

- If I'm right you will buy all the group something to drink?

-.... Ok, I take the bet...

- wait mate, you were thinking she might have the good answer before... Protested Jamison.

- shut up Junkrat... So ? Continued Hana.

- If you had access at the teacher personal files like me you would know...

- Hey that cheating!

- calm down Lena, Hana never said we couldn't do some research... Said Lucio.

- yhea... That actually true... Shit! Said the young girl.

Hana sighed and accepted to buy every one a drink but only if they choose some things not expensive.

- Ha!

An angry Gabriel came from the end of the group and walked toward the newcomer. He took her by the harm.

- You're very late on your first day! I swear you will remember that day all your life Sombra!

- chè? Let me go Gabe!

- Reyes do you know this girl? Asked Jack.

- I kinda take care of her since she's young and when I saw that she was the one late, I decided to prepare a good punishment to make her think about it.

Sombra grimaced, she know that Gabriel could be hard on her when it was about education. That didn't change the fact that she was a little scum.

She pouted wile her tutor brought her to an isolated room.

- Hey! How could some one be taken away before me?! Protested Jamison

- Yha were too slow pumpkin. Said the cowboy.

Just before being taken away, Sombra winked at Hana, the girl shoot her a questioning look not understanding the means of what she saw.

- Luv, I think you got a new fan. Said Lena to the Corean girl pushing her side with her elbow.

- what? What do you mean?

The short haired girl sieghed, she decided to let it go.

The group continued to walk following Reinhart that was obvious to the situation. He was talking about his past since the beginning.

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