Andante Ep 3 Spoilers

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Watched a new ep yay

Rumour spreads around that Shi Kyung transferred to the school as he was his previous school's gangster

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Rumour spreads around that Shi Kyung transferred to the school as he was his previous school's gangster. Shi Kyung is being given a note to test if he is really a gangster and he meets the school gangster on the rooftop.

Shi Kyung realises at this moment that he needed to testify for the guy that he saw being bullied after listening to the background story of a patient in the hospice who died

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Shi Kyung realises at this moment that he needed to testify for the guy that he saw being bullied after listening to the background story of a patient in the hospice who died. He had some eureka moment and ran to take the bus to the police station before he chickened out again.

 He had some eureka moment and ran to take the bus to the police station before he chickened out again

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Shi Kyung misses his bus home. Bom sees him and decides to give him a ride home. While they are on the road, Shi Kyung realises that Bom has many sides to her that she shows people. Shi Kyung promises to do Bom's assignment and goes back into the house after bidding goodbye to Bom. Bom smiles a sad smile as he goes into the house and the scene changes.

 Bom smiles a sad smile as he goes into the house and the scene changes

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This is the last frame for the episode. The class is arranging a performance to perform to the people at the hospice. They decide to dance but do not know who can choreograph the dance. Someone suggests Bom as it is heard that she can dance and sends Shi Kyung to find her as he has had some interaction with her before.

Basically this episode is filled with Shi Kyung having constant new realisations and us discovering new sides and truths and clues from mysterious Bom

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Basically this episode is filled with Shi Kyung having constant new realisations and us discovering new sides and truths and clues from mysterious Bom.

Can't wait for ep 4 subs! Byee love yall <3

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