The Knife

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¨Wake up, Wake up, get your butts out of bed. We are burning day-light!¨ yells my commanding officer every morning, but today was different."Guys, we have a mission." We were called into the landing bay to receive our mission and we could all tell this mission was different. ¨We have located a high value target. He is stationed at a training camp in northern Somalia. He is highly guarded. All of you are completely ready for this mission. Your strength will be tested. We can't tell you who the target is, but you will be told on the way. "I bet it is Husain Bazzi." said Knocker. We have to use code names. It is for our safety. "If it is, I want to put a bullet in his head." D-Punch was always ready for a fight. HIs brother was in the building when it collapsed. Bazzi's men flew a plane into the office building he was working in about seven years ago. If he was our target, he would not live. "We will storm his compound at 0300."

We were parachuted in about two miles from the compound. As we approached the compound, I had a flashback...........It was us. My whole team. As we approached the compound, one of Bazzi's sons, Abbudin, saw us coming. He ran inside to tell Bazzi and creeped down to the bottom floor of the compound with an AK-47. We ran in, not knowing he was in there. He shot all of us, but we all survived. He took us to the basement and tortured us until we told where we were based at........... I knew where he had saw us at and what he was doing. *hand signal to stop and listen*

"Ok guys, remember that time we raided the base in Iraq?"

"Yeah, that was the day we lost Whiskey."

"Yes, that day. We should have thrown a flash bang in the room before we raided. We need to do the same."

"That's not what Sarge said to do."

"Screw Sarge, listen to me. D-Punch, you throw a flash bang in right after Ton-Truck shoots the hinge off the door. Got it?"

"We have to do what Sarge said."

"Boy, you are as stubborn as a mule."

"Gotcha Chopper."

As we sprint to the door, I hear the locking sound of the bolt on his rifle. I know it is real now. BANG. BANG. The door is blown off its hinges and falls to the floor. D-Punch throws a flash and turns to shade his eyes and ears of its intoxicating sound and blinding explosion of light.

I shot the son in the knee while Ton-Truck grabbed him and dragged him outside.

"Is he in here!?"

"Who are you talking about?" said Abbudin coughing up blood.

Ton-Truck hits him in the face with the butt of his gun "Your father."

"I don't know where he is."

He kicks him in his head and continues his interrogation.

As Ton-Truck continues to torment and question Abbudin, the rest of our team races up the stairs, apprehending any possible threats. D-Punch finally got his chance to put a bullet in Bazzi's head. He kicks down the door and looks around for Husain. All he sees is a bomb with his brother chained to it. The bomb has three seconds left. What was his brother doing here, why was he not dead, what had happened and how did it happen? D-Punch shoots the wire off of the bomb and runs to see his brother. Was Abbudin telling the truth? Had we beat him for nothing?

All of a sudden Husaini runs with a gun to Ton-Truck's head and four men behind him. Each man was well armed with AK-47's and grenades.

"Sorry, Chopper. They came out of nowhere. I tried to stop them, but there were too many.

"Its ok," I said. "What do you want, Bazzi?"

" I want you Americans to know who is in charge. I will raid your homes, kill your wives, sell your children as slaves, and burn your houses to the ground."

"You will never get away with it."

"Yes we will," I hear from the man now kicking D-Punch.

"Good job Jonathan," proclaimed Bazzi.

"How could you betray us like that? Mom and I cried for weeks about losing you. Dad was in there too, Did you know that? You killed your own father. Why did you do that? I stayed up for weeks crying in your room. You destroyed your family. You killed your own father." declared D-Punch.

"Dad was in there?" Jonathan said with tears welling up in his eyes.

"You did not need him, you don't even need this wimpy brother of your's. I'm your father now. These are your brothers." Husain says gesturing to his men.

"You are not my my father. You made me kill my father. You dirty, rotten monster."

"Shut up!" he says shooting Jonathan in the head.

"Nooooooooooo!!" D-Punch screams at Hussain. "You killed, my brother, you killed my father, you killed my neighbors. And now I will kill you!" In one swift motion, D_Punch grabs his gun and shoots Husain in the knee. As if all in synchronization, we each pulled out our Smith and Wesson 9mm's and each opened fire on his men. As we all stood up, husain reached for his rifle. D-Punch shot him in the hand and pointed his pistol at Husain's face.

"You killed my father and my brother. I would be just as bad as you if I killed you in front of your son. But he is dead now, by my bullet. And now you will be too." CLICK.

"How will you kill me now? Huh?"

"Like this" he yells pulling out his knife

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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