1) Your Not In Love

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  • Dedicated to Hollie Wyber-Hughes

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1) Your Not In Love 


~Twelve years ago~ 

Azra's Pov- 

"Mother why is he so mean to me if we are meant to get married?" I was crying over how horrible he had been to me, even though we were getting married in twelve years. 

"Oh honey, its ok, it's just his way of showing affection towards you. He doesn't know how to behave around such a pretty, young girl." My mother was such a kind person. 

~Earlier that night~ 

"Tar-tar, would you please pass me the water?" I asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes. 

Tasmin passed the water container to Loren, who I had to sit next to, yuck! Loren went to pass it to me, but at the last minute, he got an evil glint in his eye and poured it all over me.  

I jumped up and screamed, while Tasmin launched at Loren and started to punch and kick him. 

After the parents got everyone under control and I got changed out of my wet princess dress and into my yellow Tweetie Bird outfit, I went back down the stairs. Loren walked up to me and said, 

"I'm sorry Azra, my love, will you ever forgive me?" Aww, he looked so sweet. 

"Of course I forgive you my Loren." 

At that, he looked back at his parents, they gave him a slight nod, with that he looked back at me and sighed. He leaned in close and kissed me on the lips. He then moved his head near my ear and whispered to me, "I hate you and I could never love such an ugly beast." He grabbed my hand and pecked it, smiled and then satisfied that the parents were happy, walked away saying something about seeing his 'one true love again' and left the house with me standing there, tears rolling down my face. 

I ran from the hallway and into Tasmin's room. When he saw me he pulled me into his arms and asked what was wrong. 

"He hates me, he told me so and he doesn't want to be with me. He's so mean and I have to marry him. I don't want to." I had to stop talking because I was crying so hard. 

Tasmin's Pov- 

I can't believe he did that. He is so cruel, and he hurt my little sister, ok, so she's only a few months younger than me but still he hurt her. Not physically, but emotionally. Mother said that hurting someone emotionally hurts almost as much as physically, but it will stay with you longer than a cut or a bruise. 

Mother and father came into my room to see Azra in my arms on the floor crying. Mother eventually pulled her off of me and took her to her room. Once they'd left I looked back at father. Boy did he look mad and he was. He yelled at me and told me that I was a disgrace just like Porter, my older brother. He was 15 and disowned from the family. No one was meant to acknowledge him because he disobeyed mother and father to many times. 

After he had finished yelling at me he sat down on my bed and ran his hand through his graying hair. 

"Tasmin you know that I love you. You're my only son and I love you dearly. But your behavior is bringing disgrace to the family name, and if you keep it up, we will have to send you away to the military school that your father, grandfather and great grandfather went to. Do you understand? If that doesn't work then you will become 'hijo caído en desgracia' (Spanish for disgraced son) just like Porter." My father said his name with such hatred that it made me flinch. 

~Back to present~ 

"Azra darling do you remember that day?" My mother asked me looking concerned. 

"Yes mother dearest, I do remember that day and I still know that I have to go with this arranged marriage thing, but I will go through with this without a fuss on one condition. Porter and Tasmin come back to the family and are no longer known as hijo caído en desgracia; they can come and live with myself and my Loren. Is that a deal mother, father?" I looked at my parents, while they looked at each other and passed what looked like a telepathic message. They nodded and then looked at me. 

"Fine my 'pure' (meaning of the name Azra) daughter, but only because we love you so much." My father said it to me kindly, but the look in his eyes made me want to cringe and hide. 

I walked out of the kitchen where my parents and I were having our 'discussion' and walked back up the stairs into my bedroom. Lying there on the bed was the man who I'd had come to hate and resent for so many years, 12 to be exact. He was just lying on my bed like we'd been best friends for years. His piercing electric blue and green eyes were closed and his black side fringe was in his face. He was wearing a white dress shirt that showed off his muscles and black skinny leg jeans that weren't tight enough to make them look horrible. This was my future. He was my future. The future the five year old version of me agreed to. 

"Loren, get your lazy, fat ass off my bed." I stood there and put my hands on my hips, swaying my black tube dress that went mid thigh and stomped my new black 6 inch heels. 

"Nah, I don't think so sweetheart, why don't you just join me?" Haha, I don't think so.  

"I'm good; I actually need to take a shower because you've been looking at me for too long." I threw him an evil glare. 

"Ok babe, just let me know when you want me to join you." 

Loren's Pov- 

Damn she looked good with her long, silky black hair that fell into waves and almost went past her knees. Not to mention her great long legs and mouthwatering curves. Last time I saw her I was six and I hated her. She was the one that was going to ruin my life. And she smiled about it to. In a pink princess dress with her blonde hair bouncing all over the place when she asked her brother to pass the water. When he handed the bottle to me I couldn't help myself but to drench my soon to be wife. It ended up getting me a black eye, cut lip and a beating. 

Now however, I couldn't believe how much she'd grown up. To be honest I always loved her. But she loves me. Doesn't she? 

I got up and pushed my hair out of my face, it was true that I was kind of an emo but I don't cut myself or anything like that. Azra had kind of the same look going as me, except the different colored eyes. I have electric blue with green while she has green and brown eyes, hazel I suppose. But she is beautiful and I have loved her for twelve years. I can wait until she's all mine. My wife. I would give her everything, the whole world and she will love me for it. I will show her off to the world and no one can take it away for me. 

I love her, she's my Azra. 



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