Wheeljack x brave! Kitten! Reader

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This one shot came from this video which where sent to me by a friend!


So let's start their requested story, shall we??
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~Wheeljack pov ~
It was a normal day of my solo, wrecker life as I roamed the streets for any Autocat to aid them or find some fish for my team since the Decepticats started to hunt all the fishes forcing the Autocats to starve and weaken, when I was suddenly jumped by an Insectipooch.
'Great....' I groaned in my head as I unleashed my claws .
The fight between the Autocat and the Insectipooch dragged on for quite sometime with the Insectipooch gaining on Wheeljack and soon Wheeljack was wounded badly but his pride and wrecker spirit didn't allow him to escape, admitting defeat.

"Any last words, Autocat??" The Insectipooch spat.
"Has anycat told you before that you have an ugly face?? Please do put on a mask, it will do us all a favor..." He chuckled through his pain.
"Grrrr.....say farewell Autobrat!!!" He barked, lifting his claw ready to end him when suddenly a tiny form rammed into his side, knocking him away from Wheeljack.
Wheeljack blinked in surprise, staring dumbfounded at the hissing kitten that stood in front of him bravely, shielding him from that creepy dog.
On the other hand the Insectipooch, got up and barked at the small kitten trying to scare her away but it stayed still stubbornly, daring him to take a step forward and whenever he did, it would hiss and swipe at him with her little claws. Apparently the dog got bored and ran away, huffing.
Wheeljack by now was smirking finding the whole situation very amusing; I mean who wouldn't when he see a kitten scaring off a big dog?!?!
"You are one hell of a wrecker...." He snickered at the way the little kitten was puffing her tiny chest out in pride.
"So what's my little rescuer's name here??" He patted her head with his paw gently.
"I am Y\N!!!" You meowed proudly, purring when he nuzzled you in thanks.
"Well little buddy, do you mind getting me to doc cat?? I am sure he would get my head if l didn't let him check me up..." He joked, making you giggle as you nodded your head.
"Huh....I think we will get along just fine....." He grinned at you as you helped him back to the Autocats shelter and soon after that day you become best buddies and to your delight, he assigned you to be his partner to which you instantly agreed to.

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