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Addilyn Jones had know Sawyer Coleson for as long as she could remember. If you asked anyone they would tell you that Addilyn and Sawyer were attached at the hip, they went everywhere mostly because Addilyn could drive and Sawyer didn't like too. Sawyer Coleson has had a crush on Addilyn Jones for as long as he could remember, and was not planning on trying not to anytime soon. So when Addilyn and Sawyer walked into the doors of their small town high school together no one really payed them a second glance.

       "You would think I would be used to your driving by now." Sawyer mumbled

       " Sawyer no one forces you to ride with me." Addilyn smiles.

       " Yes, but if I didn't ride with you your morning would be terribly boring." Sawyer said faking grief.

       " We both know that my morning would be less dramatic and more quiet." Addilyn smirks.

       "You wound me." Sawyer throws his hand over his heart.

       "Hey love birds, there's a new kid in our year and Principle Morgann wants us to show him around." Natalia says out of breath.

        Sawyer and Addilyn turn to their mutual friend with annoyed looks."We are not love birds." They both say blushing.

         "Everyone knows you like each other, well everyone besides the two of you." Natalia mumbles linking arms with Addilyn.

          "Do you know anything about this new kid?" Sawyer grunts.

          " Well he's your age Sawyer, he's an army brat so this is his second high school in a year, his name is Everett and according to gossip he's hot." Natalia shrugs.

           " That means new eye candy for the cheer team." Addilyn groans.

          " Actually I don't play sports and I think cheerleaders are over rated since my last girlfriend was one and she cheated on me with the quarter back." A tan boy with an odd jaw says.

           " Hey man, I'm Sawyer and these two lovable dorks are Addilyn and Natalia." Sawyer grins reaching out his hand.

           "Everett and they don't look like dorks." The boy says taking Sawyers hand.

           " Nat has a GPA of 3.9 and loves Comic books, I have a GPA of 3.8 and enjoy Anime." Addilyn says holding a straight face.

Sawyer and Natalia burst out laughing before Addilyn joins them.

            "She's kidding, well not about the GPAs or me liking comic books but the rest." Natalia smiles.

             " I'm Addilyn the joker with a GPA of 3.8, I also run the dance team." Addilyn shakes Everett's hand.

"And I'm Natalia the planner, with a GPA of 3.9 , and I do archery." Natalia smiles.

"I've never met a girl who likes archery." Everett smiles shaking Natalia's hand.

"Hmm what's your first class." Sawyer smirks.

"Physics with Ms. Jenson." Everett said.

"I'll walk you." Addilyn smiles

"Sawyer and I tutor freshman first thing in the morning." Natalia smiles.

"Okay we'll see you at lunch and maybe any other classes we have together." Addilyn links her arm with Everett and drags him away from Natalia and Sawyer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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