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I visited the infirmary first that morning. I wanted to see if Indris was doing well. I needn't have bothered. His bed was empty and the sheets were rumpled, empty bottles and jars of medicine lay open. Several strips of bloodied cloth were forgotten in a bowl of harsh smelling clear liquid. I stopped a passing mage and asked about them.

"Oh. Those?" The young mage asked. I nodded.

"What else."

"It was nothing really. J- Just a cough. The king probably coughed too hard. It happens sometimes. He was cleared to leave not long after the bells for curfew sounded. We saw N-no reason to keep him." He stuttered. I glared at him but let it slide.

I watched as the mage busied himself with tidying the beside cabinet. I turned to leave, but faced the mage again.

"Is he ok?" The mage looked up, the bowl of bloody rags stilled in his hand.

"I-I don't see a reason why he wouldn't be. Do you know something?"

"No." I didn't even hesitate. I swallowed the lie with too much ease.

"I'm just worried... Old age and all that." I amended. I turned and left, making my way to the dining rooms not too far away.

I reached the doors, but they were already open, and I could see Indris sat lazily in his chair, Odessa fawning over him. I struggled against the bile rising in my throat and coughed once. Loudly. Odessa jumped back from perching on Indris' knee and smoothed out her midnight blue skirts. I stared at her a little while before striding forward. My gaze did not leave her eyes once. Until I was upon her. I delicately removed the golden goblet from her hand and set it on the table, but not before the stench of mild ale wafted under my nose.

"A bit early for that, is it not?" I crossed my arms, then took a seat directly opposite the king.

Indris watched me, watching Odessa as she too took a seat. Her face flushed, and her chest rose abnormally fast. I did not wish to know what had been going on before I entered, but if I was to hazard a guess; the amorous effects of the Lamentia had not fully worn off. Probably. Indris smiled at me, one side quirking up further than the other. His hand swept across the small array of dishes.

I followed his hand. Plates of fruit and bread littered the smaller, more intimate table that had replaced the larger one from last nights veritable feast. Other bowls were filled with an orange, lumpy soup; no doubt potato. I looked to the side, and sure enough the other table lay in splinters. I turned my head away in embarrassment and shame. I felt heat cover my cheeks and jumped a bit when Indris chuckled. I refused to meet his gaze, and grabbed a separate, empty goblet placed beside my seat. I snapped my fingers and one of the otherwise invisible servers stepped forward and I turned to whisper into his ear.

"The strongest mead you have please." I held out my goblet.

"One moment, princess." He turned to a second server and ushered him forward. Red liquid spilled into my goblet and I held up a hand when it neared the very top.

"You may go." I said.

The servers vanished again, but not before the jug of mead was placed within my reach. Nothing escaped Indris' notice as his smile grew wider, more predatory. I stared at him then, willing my shame to turn to fire in my eyes. He sat back and placed his hands on the arms of his throne. He said nothing but I felt his understanding. This time, it was Odessa's childlike and sickly polite cough that brought my attention back to my empty plate.

"Indris dear, what was it you were telling me before Tatiana arrived?" She tilted her head to the side and smiled venomously.

I couldn't stand her endless court mind games, she knew that; but looked at me as she sipped from her own goblet. I noticed hers was made from clear cut glass. Huh. Sneaky bitch. I looked back at her, and drank some mead from mine. Not a small sip, but a challenge. I'd drank my fill before Odessa had even finished half of hers. I poured another as we both sat waiting for Indris' reply.

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