trois ⚣

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jungkook: lmao just kidding i've been gay since i came out the womb
jungkook: so what's your name mystery man?

unknown number: soulja boy

jungkook: istg i'm going to block you

unknown number: chillllllllllllllll babe

jungkook: who tf you callin babe

unknown number: obviously you bitch tf?

jungkook: -_-

unknown number: anyway my name is kim taehyung but you can call me daddy ;)

jungkook: hA as if you're a top

taehyung: i'd top you

jungkook: hell nah

taehyung: wanna find out and see? ;)

jungkook: no.

(a/n: idk where i'm even going with this story yet)

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