3. House of Sibuna

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The gang was sitting in the living room looking through old photo books, laughing and remembering old times. "Remember the time that we used the play as a way to expose Victor?" Patricia asks laughing.

"Oh yeah, I'm still upset Jason cut my canary scene," Amber says, adjusting herself in the seat. Everyone laughed and rolled their eyes.

"Remember the play that Mara and I wrote senior year for Jerome?" Joy nervously rubs her neck. "That was stupid," she looks down at the ground.

"Where is Mara anyway?" Patricia asked.

"I don't know, Fabs?" Joy challenged looking at Fabian knowing that it was his fault she didn't come.

Fabian quickly looks up from the ground. "What? What? I know nothing about that," Fabian answers in denial. Mara and Fabian broke up right before they started college. Fabian told her that she was to controlling and he couldn't take it anymore although that was true it wasn't the only reason he dumped her. He was still not over Nina, but now he figures he as to be.

"Uh huh, sure," Joy says in an icy tone.

"What? We broke up. End of story," Fabian states assertively.

"You're just as bad as her," Joy points to Patricia, who was sitting next to her. Patricia scoffs.

Amber giggles. "So, Eddie have you dated anyone since the last time we saw each other?" Amber asks Eddie, who was sitting on the arm of the chair shaking his leg.

"Uh, no," he rushed.

"Is everything alright Eddie?" Joy asked worried. Fabian and Patricia looked at each other afraid that Eddie is going to burst again.

"No. I can't sit around her and do nothing." Eddie gets up and runs out of the living door. Everyone stood up worried.

"Come on! Come on!" Eddie shouts tugging on the cellar door. "Come on, Victor is gone! Why is the cellar door still locked!?" Eddie shouts shaking the doorknob as if that would open the door. His body was starting to tremble more.

"Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!" Fabian came running out just in time to catch Eddie as he was fainting.


"So, when are we going to the gatehouse?" Nina asked calmly.

"When it's time," Rufus turns around to answer.

"What are we going to do there?" Nina asks too calm. It was clear to her the angry approach wasn't working to get answers so, she had to try something knew.

"Why do you need to know?" Rufus snarls.

"I need to mentally prepare myself," Nina smiles the fakes smile in the world.


"Fine," she plops back down into her chair. "You know they will come looking for me."

"Oh, sweetie, even if they did they won't be able to save you," Rufus says getting uncomfortably close to Nina's face.

"What do you mean?" Nina growls.

"He failed you."


Eddie wakes up in his bedroom instead of the corridor where he was before the blackout. The whole gang swarmed him as he awoke. "Eddie, are you alright?" they all ask at different times. He nods his head. "Eddie dear, this is the second time something like this has happened do you want me to call the doctor?" Trudy asked.

Eddie's eyes widened. "No!" he shouts. "I mean, it's nothing. My doctor back in American already made a diagnosis, it's some weird name that's hard to pronounce," he shook his head. "I'm taking medicine for it, I guess I just forgot to take it the last couple of days," Eddie lied.

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