The Apology

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This is my first ever fan fiction so please no hateful comments, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!! If its gonna be a one-shot for now. Enjoy :)

Shirou POV

"Saber! Saber where are you?!"
I messed up big time this time. I shouldn't have freaked out. But I couldn't help it. She's been gone since the The Holy Grail Wars ended three months ago and she comes back, appearing out of nowhere and springs this upon me? I know now I should have been happy, because what she told me was supposed to be the greatest thing anyone wanted to hear. But no I freaked out the the next thing I know she runs past me with tears in her in her eyes and out the door. The one I love the most in this world brought to tears because I reacted so badly. And so here I am losing my mind trying to find her. To apologize to her and tell her I was wrong for freaking out.

I've looked everywhere for her. Her favorite restaurants, her favorite clothing stores. Everywhere. That's when I remembered the one spot she always went to when she wanted to be alone. The bridge where we had our one and only date before she dissapeared. I went straight there after I thought of it. I walked up the hill leading to the bridge with my head hanging low. "How am I going to make the up to her?" I thought to myself,"Its not like I'm not happy. I was just got off guard when she told me."

When I got to the top of the hill seen her standing there and my heart skipped a beat. Her lovely golden blonde hair blowing ever so slightly in the gentle early afternoon breeze. Her blue and white laced up dress swaying back and forth ever so gently. She stared off into the distance looking at the vast ocean. She turned and looked at me when she heard my footsteps coming up behind her. Her once bright and vibrant emerald eyes were now red and puffy from crying. I could still see tears falling from her eyes when I walked up to her.

"Damn my stupidity" I thought. Immediately I pulled her towards me and embraced her in a tight warm hug. She looked up at me," Shirou I'm so..." She didnt get any farther than that I lifted her chin a little and kissed her. "No I'm sorry. I'm sorry for taking the news so badly." She just looked at me for a few seconds before saying anything. "What do we do now?" She asked tears still falling from her eyes. I looked at her, the woman I love most in the entire world, and said," I'm gonna take care of you. You and the baby. Its my responsibility, I love you saber."

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