LXII - Colby

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❤️Brennen, Dani, and 529,844 others

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❤️Brennen, Dani, and 529,844 others

@Colby_Brock: taking AJ to The Trap House

Username1: he's so cute

Username2: look at how tiny he looks

Username3: how cute you guys call him AJ

Username4: I'm in love with him.

Brennen: it's about time

SamGolbach: Katrina just texted me saying she's coming over because you guys are bring AJ.

DevynLundy: Corey and I were out eating in-n-out and he saw this picture so now we're rushing home.

Username5: wait you don't live there anymore?

Username6: @Username5 no he moved into Billie Jo and Dani's apartment

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