How it all began

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[let's start.]

The bell rang. It was the early morning of a September's day, the gradient copper-toned leaves indicated that it was the beginning of autumn, as the shop opens for its first intake of customers. The breezy, cold air gushed silently into the entrance as one of our regular customers made his way to his usual spot by the window, making the dangling bells and wind chimes sway and rattle happily. Like always, the small café was quiet and filled with the hum of soft talking and people drinking their morning tea or coffee. Just how I always loved it, you could smell the freshly baked vanilla muffins and red velvet cupcakes filling the place from top to bottom, it was a Wednesday special.

The three vertical rectangular windows, with it's drawn curtains, welcomed the bright sunlight and illuminated the cream walls and chandelier above, with the old antiques decorating the shelves, making it look like it's usual vintage style. The detailed painting of cupids on the ceiling have always had me mesmerised, this place really is breath taking and beautiful and it was all down to my grandmother's uniqueness that made my grandfather choose to design it this way. The white grand piano that sat in its private little corner completed the whole theme. I recalled the times I played with my friend when we were younger.

Don't ask why, but before this place was built my grand parents had an obsession with British things. It ranged from tea, to scones, and pretty much everything typically British -with the reason that they were originally from England too. So I guess that's where they got the inspiration to name this place "Little Poppy's House Coffee Café". Long name eh? Well, we call it "Lil' Pops" for short now, as it took too long to even get the words in the right order.

"Lea...Lea...Honey, the muffins are ready. You might want to go get them before they turn brown-again like last time" Kim said chuckling, bringing me back down from my usual head-in-the-clouds moments.

"Ah, right!..Okay, sorry!" I replied, giving her an apologetic smile.

She just laughed and shakes her head while gesturing me to go into the small kitchen tucked away at the back of the cafe.

I'm usually on point when I bake, but it seems like today was another distracting day. Probably because it's my grandparent's anniversary and I'm just a little worried about how granddad was doing.

Earlier this week, he had set off back to Italy, to the cemetery where my grandmother's grave was; he's been doing this for the past four years since she past away.  He left Kim and me in charge of the café, but she works only part time as she teaches English at Cheswood High, which is only a few miles out if town. It's the only high school around this area where I used to go.

On the way I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection In the mirror. As my dirty blonde hair, that came loose from my messy bun caught the breeze- not missing the faint pink line that ran diagonally from the corner of my left eye down to my ear. I sigh, knowing that nothing would change.

Pushing open the wooden door into the kitchen, the faint beeping of the oven alarm grew louder as I neared it. Putting on the oven mittens, as I opened it, a gush of heat blows into my face. Hmmm smells just perfect, just how it should be, I thought, as I delicately take out the tray, and placing them on the kitchen island behind me. Grabbing the already mixed vanilla icing, I gracefully decorated the cupcakes, just how grandparents had shown me when I was little, of course with a little bit of sparkles.

After examining the last cupcake, I balanced the two trays on my arm and head back into the café, there were more people occupying the seats now. I notice that one of them was a familiar face.

Sitting next on a table on his own, with a mirror hanging above him was Richard, he's been coming here since -I don't even know how long..too long to even remember. That seat was reserved especially for him during his visits every afternoon, he's never missed a single day and I do enjoy his company.

As he caught sight of me he smiles and waves me over, I smile back and give him a gesture to indicate that I'll be over in a minute, as I set off to refill the shelves of muffins and cupcakes.

After I finished, I quickly paced to where Richard sat reading the local news article, he's a close friend of my grandfather and wore the same brown beret and matching petticoat. He puts his paper down with a thud when he hears the squeak of my converse nearing him.

"Morning Ric! How's it going?" I greeted him while taking out a note pad from my back jean pocket and a pen in my bun.

"Morning Lea..have you read this? This is absurd... they just won't stop!" he looks back at the paper with anger in his eyes and furrows his grey brows.

I knew exactly what it was about, everyone in Oakwood knew. There were some retail company who were looking into constructing a new shopping mall, meaning some of the local shops will have to be demolished for it to happen.

"Its been over a month and they still won't give up. Don't they understand that we don't want to take part in their scheme?" He continues. I place a hand on his shoulder to calm him a little and luckily he relaxes.

"We'll just have to see how this goes. I'm sure once the Mayor returns from his business trip, he can sort it out." I say reassuring him.

"That bloody Mayor, he better return soon otherwise there's going to be a civil war".

"Don't get too worked up on it, or else you'll get more grey hair from these unnecessary stress" I said taking the news paper away.

He gives in and sighs.

"So will it be the usuals today? Red velvet cupcakes and honey camomile tea?" I asked politely.

"Yeah and make it extra sweet please, darling. I want to get rid of this bitter taste in my mouth" he says, still disgusted by what he's just read.

"Sure thing" I replied and set off to get his orders.

But he stops me in my track when Ric says my full name. "Azalea...are you alright with all this? You're really missing out a lot on your education." I stay quiet.

"How long has it been? ... 2? Maybe 3 years since you've left school. I'm very worried about you." he asks with concern.

"Almost 3 years" I corrected him in a small voice and brightly said "I'm alright, honestly, I'm happy" before I carried on walking.  After grandma died, all I've been doing is looking after grandad as well as the café, so I had to drop out and since then, and I don't regret it. It was my choice alone and grandad didn't find out until 3 months later, but I guess things just change and sacrifices will have to be made.

So this was my first chapter! What did you think? Haha I hope you like it :)

Sorry it took me  a while to write this, I hope it's not too short/ long for you! I will reedit this when I have time.
Also, so sorry if my tenses are wrong!!! Will fix them ASAP!



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