Love and news

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Violet went in for her surgery and now it was all just a waiting game. Richard and I were at home looking after Grace for the day while Dad and Rachel were at the hospital.

When we got the call in the evening I was literally shaking to find out if she was ok.

"Okay, good and bad news. Bad news, they had to remove part of her lung but only the tiniest bit. Good news they're confident that was all the cancer in the lung." Dad said down the phone.

"Have you seen her? Is she okay?" I asked.

"We saw her, she's fine. You know, drowsy and that because of all the meds' but they think they've managed it Jen. They think all the cancer is gone. She's going to be in hospital for a while, they have to make sure she's still responding well and they've got to be sure the cancer hasn't spread." Dad told me.

"Do you think I could see her before I go tomorrow?" I wondered.

"Sure. You're not leaving until the after noon are you? So uh yes come tomorrow, I'm going to stay over night with her and Rachel will come home for Grace." Dad explained.

"Okay. I'm so glad it's good news." I smiled.

"Me too. See you tomorrow."

- - - - -

"Now you've seen violet and you know she's just fine can you start to enjoy and look forward to the holiday? We'll be at the airport in an hour and you have to look happy in front of everyone. I know it's hard..."

"I know I have to, if Lily sees me upset she'll use it as an excuse not to go." I sighed. "Don't you think violet looked good though?"

"She did for the day after surgery she looked great." Richard nodded.

"Can't believe she's like 7? It's weird." I smiled. "Anyway, holiday lets focus on that, it's going to be amazing."

"Silly question, I know, but are you on the pill?" Richard asked nervously.

"I came off it recently. It was fucking with me. But uh if you think this holiday will be worth it then I still have a few packs so I'll start again today, they're pretty much instant, or work within 24 hours at least." I explained.

"Just thought because we are going away together..." Richard smiled.

"So you thought we'd be fucking every night. Fair enough." I rolled my eyes.

Thinking about it, we haven't had much sex recently. I mean we messed around in bed almost every night but actual sex? It had been a few weeks.

"That makes me sounds bad." Richard laughed. "I just love you, you know."

"I love you too." I smiled at him kindly.

- - - - -

The flights were cheap so not all of us were sat together we were in twos and the plan was couples but at last minute Lily demanded I sat next to her, so Matt had to sit with Richard.

It was only an hour and a half flight but Richard wasn't too happy. He never loved Matt ever since I slept with him.

"I just really wanted to discuss something with you Jen." Lily explained mid flight.

"Right, go ahead." I nodded.

"The people that have joined us on this trip, do you think you know everyone pretty well?" Lily asked.

I mean I thought I knew everyone very well. The twos girl, Holly and Grace. Then the three boys, Alex, Max and Tom. Then obviously Lily Matt and Richard.

"They're our flatmates Lily I love them." I laughed.

"I think that Grace and Max got together." Lily blurted out.

"Really? Oh my god." I said a little shocked. I like Max he was really nice, I was very surprised. "Wait you switched seats on a plane to tell me this?"

"I only heard about it when we were in duty free." Lily sighed. "I had to tell someone.

"How did you hear that?" I asked.

"I saw them making out when everyone went to toilet." Lily blurted out again.

"Wait Max has a girlfriend."

"Exactly!" She snapped.

"Oh wow. Okay I'll allow the whole seat swapping thing. That was big news." I laughed at her.

- - - - -

It was the evening when we arrived at the villa and got all settled in. I knew Richard was rich and I knew his house at home was basically a mansion but this Villa was huge.

Something crazy like 8 bedrooms with ensuite and like the biggest pool and kitchen and dining room. Then a cinema room and a huge living room.

Apparently the family are usually there all summer which is why we've never been before but this year they were going somewhere else so it was free for a week or so.

I checked in on things at home and got all that cleared to know that Violet was still all ok. Then we went out for dinner.

"Have I told you, you look beautiful tonight?" Richard asked smiling down at me as he had his arm around me. We were walking back from the restaurant.

"You did actually. Thank you." I smiled up at him.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. Just at that moment we decided to stop and take a group photo so I turned to him and whispered it back to him before being moved in front of this fountain and told to smile.

I was glad because I used it for Instagram that night. My instagram was pretty hot to be honest. Full of pictures with Richard or the group and pictures from my modelling days.

I did miss being a model actually. I am determined to get back into it this year, if they'll let me. It's good money. Richard hated it but oh well.

That night we all stayed up in the living room in our cozy clothes chatting as a group until 3am. It was so lovely just to chat and hang out and muck about.

Then after Richard and I had the fun we were planning on the whole journey here. It had been a while but a worthwhile wait.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now