yo wtf i just found this book again and i realized that i wrote this book 2 years ago. my entire body's cringing right now
update UPDATE about myself:
going straight to the point to tyrant's eye shit:favorite anime at the moment:
1. haikyuu
2. haikyuu
3. haikyuu
4. haikyuu
5. haikyuu
6. haikyuui still love karuta alright but i love VOLLEYBALL more loooool. i dont love "soccer" that much and i was wondering until now why did i have to lie about me loving soccer.
i cant stop laughing when i saw who my crush at that time, aldrin. ALDRINALDRINALDRINALDRIN.
who's my crush:
1. ej
2. ej
3. ej
4. ejsorry i'm loyal
i still love emo bands aight and kpop and stuff but i LOVEEEEE jpop so much lotlejeobfoebe.