Danger Comes to Town

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Author's Notes: I'm starting this exactly a month after my last update. I'm sorry that it has taken me so long it's just two things really. Real life is a pain in the ass and it doesn't help when you get sick. Lets just that God that nothing is wrong with my heart, next up lung test, and then it's that I write for so many fandoms and make wallpapers and fanvideos I'm always creating something. So here's another chapter. Well lets just dive right into where we left off. They are finally together now, happily ever after? Yes? Is anything ever that easy. A face from the past comes back.

Chapter 10: Danger Comes to Town

She knew she was asleep, but she didn't care. Where she was, it was too beautiful to look away. It was a wild garden, filled with the most beautiful Lilies and lilacs. It was so beautiful, and there was even a waterfall.

"Cubby!" she heard a voice from the left call.

She turned towards it and when she saw him, she didn't care what this was, this was the best day of her life.

"Daddy!" she called out running towards him.

"How are you holding up?" he asked walking in step with him.

"Let's see I just found out that I'm the second eve, I had a love affair with God's favorite son, and our child could very well destroy the world in a blink of an eye if she wanted? I feel, well I feel damn good. That is truly letting me know that we have bypassed insane." She began to laugh.

He was taking her all in, and she truly was beautiful. She was becoming as lovely as her mother more and more every day. He could drink her in forever, but he was there to play a part, and he wouldn't have much time with her.

"Listen sweetheart, you know that if I'm here there must be something important, and well it's about Lucifer."

"No one will make me chose anything against Lucifer. I love him, and we have been apart too long. You know, I can tell that you know everything, and you should know that I will pick the correct choice."

"It's going to consume him. She's going to try and save him, to redeem him, and in the end, it will be too much. You saw what he did in that bar, no one can keep him under, not even you I'm sorry you don't even have this power over him." He told her.

Chloe took a good look at her father. She knew that this was a dream, but she also knew her father. She knew that if he were given a chance to come back and see her, that he wouldn't spend it telling her that she couldn't have one of the things he knew she wanted the most.

"I can't just sit around and not help him. I know I can save him dad, I'll keep him for hurting anyone." She smiled leaning in for a hug.

It was like coming home to feel him in her arms again.

"I love you so much cubby." He leaned into her.

She loved hearing his nickname for her again. It never felt the same when others said it after he died. It was all about him. He even smelled the same.

"Don't let them win." He whispered.

"What?" she asked.

Then she realized that she was no longer in the beautiful place. She was back in her bedroom, and her bed was empty.

"Lucifer!" she called out.


It was weird for her when she woke up this morning. It was like she had all her memories of her childhood, but she knew that she had been on the planet before. More than once actually, she could remember being a slave, being a princess, being so many people, but most of all she could remember being Ella. How could suddenly, she not be Ella anymore, and a woman that was coming to be one of her best friends last week was her mother. She was sitting outside of her mother's house. She brought coffee and what someone told her was her favorite pastry. Now she was just afraid to go inside.

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