Who you? (1)

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Bambam POV

I woke up this morning and hit the snooze button on my alarm. I rolled out of my bed with nothing but a pair of sweat pants on.

I slowly made my way over to my closet, and walked in so be greeted with all the bright colours and most beautiful pieces of clothing.

Yes, I know what your thinking "what do you mean by that??".

Well I'm not like every other kid, I don't wear snap back hats or hammer pants or sport shirts.

I prefer dresses and skirts and other typical "girly" clothes.

It's not like I want to become a girl, I just like there clothes, it makes me feel pretty and happy.

Though some people aka my parents and my whole school doesn't understand it that way. They understand it as a reason to bully me or call me hurtful names.

But I didn't really care...

I have three friends that'll always stick by my side; Park Jinyoung or JYP and Choi Youngjae and Mark Tuan.

All of these three boys I named were basically all the people I had, and I loved every one of them to bits and pieces.

I looked though my closet of the cutest dresses until I heard my phone ding from it's charging station.

I walked across the room to see who had texted me.

I picked up my phone to see


JYP: Answer me boi or I'll...

You'll what???

I'll...idfk, just stfu

BAHAHAHHAAH!, okay fine, wasup mOm?

Oh nothing, I just wanted to text someone!!

Then go text your boyfriend bogum!!

Geez!, okay!!, kids these days!

I laughed and out down my phone while walking back to my closet.

Once I picked out a cute outfit and got changed I walked to my chair in my room and gathered all my things I would need for school.

I was wearing a pink skirt with a big sweater tucked into the skirt with some eye liner and knee high socks and...okay...some cute panties.

I walked downstairs and put my bag near the door, I then skipped into the kitchen to see my mom cooking.

"Hey mom~" I spoke and smiled brightly. She then turned around and greeted me with a hug and said "you look so beautiful, well you always do" as she then kissed my cheek.

"Now go get your brothers and sister" she told me.

I quickly went upstairs to my younger sister hataichanok's room and
Knocked on her door lightly.

My sister soon then opened the door and looked at me strange.

"Are you wearing my skirt??" She asked me while faking being offended.

"Yup, because it looks better on me" I said back with a smirk.

She gave me a playful glare before firing back with "just because your the same size as me doesn't mean you can steal my clothessss" as she then slapped my shoulder.

"Owww" I whimpered and she gave me a 'I don't give a fuck' face.

I quickly laughed it off.

"Come downstairs, mom made breakfast, and can you tell Chindanai?" I asked my younger sister.

"Still afraid to face him?" She asked.

"What noooo" I said back while blushing a bit showing that I was obviously lying.

My oldest brother Chindanai didn't necessarily like the idea of cross dressing...and every time I saw him he'd give me a look of disgust...and not gonna lie here, when he does that it brings down my self confidence a lot.

I slowly nodded to her question while looking down at my feet.

"Fineeee, I'll do it, but
You need to get over this sooner or later" she finally Spoke breaking the awkward silence.

She then walked out of her room and made her way over to my oldest brothers room.

In the meantime I walked over to my older but not oldest brother Sarunchai's room and knocked.

He opened the door and looked tired. I knew I most likely just woke him up.

"Hey bammie" he said tiredly and rubbed his eyes.

I smiled at him brightly before speaking "mom made food! Come down to eattttt, and get ready, school is soon".

"Okay okayyyy" I responded with and closed to door to get ready.

I skipped downstairs to find all of my moms delicious food set on the table.

I sat down and started eating, then all of my siblings came down and started eating too.

I could feel Chindanai's state of disgust, but I didn't dare to look up and meet eyes with him.

I quickly finished and cleaned up after myself.

I then got up and headed to the door.

"THANKS MOM FOR THE FOOD! IM OFF NOW!" I yelled before leaving the house with my bag slung around my shoulder.

I closed and locked the door as that's when I noticed a moving truck next door.

I walked over to see what was going on and that's when I saw him...

A tall handsome boy...yellow hair, nice eyes, really tall, strong and well built body...

He was so handsome

I stared at him for a good 5 minutes before he turned around and noticed me.

"Hello" I heard the boy speak while walking over to me.

"H-hi..." I spoke slyly not knowing what to say next.

"I'm Kim Yugyeom" he said and held out his hand for me to shake.

I quickly held his hand and smiled in response.

"And your name?" He asked.

"B-Bambam" I mumbled

"That's a beautiful name, you must be my next door neighbor, right?" He looked at me and smiled.

I slowly nodded back at him.

"Perfect" he suddenly spoke with nothing but a smirk on his face.

Oh boy... I thought to myself.






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