Meeting him (2)

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Yugyeom POV

I just moved into my new house. I lived in Korea for the longest time, but then my school did a exchange student program and I heard it was to Thailand so I couldn't resist, Ive been learning Thai for a while now, I'm not too good, but I'm good enough to get by.

It's about 9pm right now and I just got here. I walked into the house with all my stuff still outside in the truck.

I looked around. It was such a nice house, big tv, lots of room, big kitchen and look like it could hold many rooms.

I slowly walked around and looked at the pictures of my buddy that I switched with and her family.

Her name was Lisa, she was really pretty, but not my type...I'm more into...brunette girls, I'm like as in...I mostly prefer girls, but if I do ever meet a boy that I really like. I would have no issue throwing myself at him.

But I wasn't here to get a partner, I'm here to learn for Thailand traditions and make cool friends.

But it was kinda late...or at least getting late.

I didn't know where my room was so I sat down on the couch and waited as Lisa's family walked down to greet me.

"Hi Yugyeom, I'm Katrina or Mrs Manoban, Lisa's mom, it's lovely to meet you" the woman said and stuck out her hand for me to shake.

I great fully took her hand and shook it.

"Hello, I'm Chanchai or Me Manoban, Lisa's father" the mans deep voice spoke and also shook my hand.

I'll be living with these people for the next 3 months. So I really hope we can get along well.

I gave them my biggest and warmest smile.

"It's really nice to meet you both, as you know I'm Yugyeom, and I really hope all of us can get along nicely" I spoke and waited for their response.

"Yes of course, I certainly wish so too" Mrs Manoban spoke.

"Well it's getting pretty late, how about we show you to your room?" Mr Manoban added.

"That'd be lovely" I answered and followed them both upstairs to Lisa's room.

I went in and looked around. Surprisingly it looked like a typical boys room, I guess Lisa wasn't too much of a girly girly or at least she kept her room away from all that stuff.

"This room is so cool" I said while looking around.

"Okay, well if you need anything at all, our room is down the hall, don't hesitate to come and ask us" Mrs Manoban spoke before Mr Manoban nodded along and they both left the room.

I quickly changed into my pyjamas and brushed up then got into bed.

"This is gonna be a good 3 months...I just know it" I spoke to myself then closed my eyes and slowly drifted off.

—next morning—

I slowly woke up to the sound of the birds chirping and the wind howling.

I opened my eyes and sat up. It was my first day of school today, so I was really excited, but also a bit scared too.

I got out of bed and got dressed and brushed up and then made my way downstairs.

I went to the Dining room and saw the whole table filled with delicious breakfast foods.

I looked around amazed since my parents like never made me a breakfast like this before.

I sat down as both Mr and Mrs Manoban walked into the room.

"Good morning" mrs Manoban said in a soft caring tone.

"Good morning" I said and smiled back at her.

They both sat down and we all enjoyed the lovely breakfast. After the breakfast. Mr. Manoban gave me a lunch bag and my school bag.

"Thank you" I thanked him and gladly took the bag from him.

"Have a good day" Mrs Manoban spoke and gave me a smile.

I smiled back as I left out the door.

I locked the door and prepared my stuff for leaving as I noticed a boy from a far staring at me.

"Hello" I spoke while slowly walking over to him.

There was something interesting about this boy...he wore typical girl clothes, but I didn't see an issue with that, he was very handsome and why not try and talk to the beautiful boy?.

"H-hi..." He spoke slyly obviously not knowing what to say next.

"I'm Kim Yugyeom" i said and held out my hand for him to shake.

He quickly shook my hand and smiled in response.

"And your name?" I asked.

"B-Bambam" he mumbled.

"That's a beautiful name, you must be my next door neighbor, right?" I asked and looked at him and smiled.

He slowly nodded back at me.

"Perfect" I suddenly spoke with nothing but a smirk on my face.

He looked up to me and blushed immediately and looked back down onto the ground.

"You okay?" I asked and chuckled.

"Y-yea, I'm totally f-fine" he stuttered out.

"What school do you go to?" I asked him.

"Bangkok" he said still looking down at the ground.

I smiled to myself knowing that I'll now be seeing this boy not just outside my house, but all day strong school too.

"I go there too" I spoke and smiled brightly.

I gave a small smile back.

"Do you want to walk together then?" I asked Hoping he'd say yes.

"S-sure" he stuttered out.

I smiled and held his hand and began to walk.

This was gonna be a VERY good 3 months~



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Reiah out~

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