Chapter 33

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3rd person's pov

It was already late in the morning when Cielo wake up.

"So that was happen." Cielo said emotionless voice.
"Maybel I should let my guard down." Cielo said unconsciously. Hibari gave him a confuse look

"what happen anyway? why are you there in first place?" Hibari ask calmly.

Cielo heavy sigh.

"I was walking when I saw those guys forcing a girl, so I went to help. The moment I showed up the girl was already gone so I was hoping for an escape. But... they attack me so I end up fighting. Along the way, I thought I knock them down so I let my guard down, I was wrong though....One of them got something and hit my head...I think that's the time I went unconscious." Cielo explain calmly.

Hibari immediately patt Cielo's head.
"Are you ok then? Feeling dizzy or anything?" Hibari ask in Concern.

Cielo's eyes widen. He check the window if an apocalypse was happening but it wasn't its normal.

"Hm. I'm fine...I'm use to pain anyway." Cielo said emotionless voice.

Hibari look at Cielo's eyes, they were full of pain and sorrow just a minute ago. The moment he look at those eyes, it was like he can feel his pet emotion too.

Hibari was confused. His pet is used to pain? that means that his pet is always abused? or worse bully? or meet pain everyday? Hibari can't imagine.

Hibari gently got Cielo's chin and make him face Cielo himself. Those beautiful chocolate eyes hold many emotions.

Pain, sorrow was in the top, but he could also tell that there's some joy and happiness in those eyes. But he needed to admit, those eyes were beautiful.

"Don't do that again." Hibari said gently.

Cielo remain frozen, he doesn't know how to react. He was mesmerize by those grey like eyes, and the handsome face of Hibari, there were beautiful.

Doki, Doki, his heart went and he was sure he just blush.

"H-Ha-Hai." Cielo said.

A cold yet nice hands touches his cheek.

"Are you ok then?" Hibari ask worriedly.

"Yes I am." Cielo said with a simple smile.

Then Hybird appeared and flew towards Cielo snuggling on his neck. Cielo giggle on that soft touch. Its like Hybird felt his emotion, comforting him.

"Don't worry Hybird I'm fine." Then his gaze went to the table which as a clock on it. 11:34am it reads " Hibari-san is already late morning. If I could see, don't you have work?" Cielo said calmly yet confusedly.

"I do but I can't just leave my pet here alone wouldn't I?" Hibari said.

Cielo was shock at that statement. He can't believe that the cold man standing infornt of his eyes cares for him. He smile and close his eyes.

"You've changed." Cielo said softly.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Hibari said.

"Nope, I didn't how about I will prepare lunch now, any request Hibari-san?" Cielo ask with a warm smile.

"Hn. Speaking of lunch I think you should eat more often. Your lighter than air you know." Hibari said as he stand up and pat Cielo's head gently.

Cielo was stunted again. Where is that cold scary Hibari he meet in the middle school? Where is that obsessed on bitting people on death? Cielo can see that Hibari did change, but...His still blood thirsty obsessed bitting people to death and always looking for worthy herbivore. But clearly, Hibari change, he smile.

"I'll try to do that Hibari-san." Cielo

Once Cielo was up, Hibari was quite say Happy that he spend time with his calming yet gentle pet. He help his pet do cooking one of the skill that he doesn't know how to do. That skills wasn't really thought by his parents, because in his childhood he had maids to do that and when he meet Kusakabe his the one who do cooking.

Now they are happily eating on the table.

"Don't you feel any pain? Your injuries are quiet bad.." Hibari said with concern as he can see that Cielo's injuries were visible.

"Nope, not at all. Thank you anyway for taking care of me." Cielo said happily.

"Hn. Its my obligation as a Master to take care of my pe-." Hibari said but was cut off when a knock was heard. Hibari stand up and walk towards the door and as he open it, he glared at the annoying girl, his good mood went to his usual cold icy mood again.

"How's cielo?" Haru ask worriedly.

"His fine. His in the kitchen." Hibari said glaring.

Haru- Without a permission just barge  in and went to kitchen and saw Cielo. She quickly hug Cielo.

"Cielo...Oh are you ok? Are you hurt? Anything?" Haru said checking Cielo.

"No, I'm fine Haru-chan. Thanks for your help anyway, why- join us for lunch neh~" Cielo said as he offer a sit beside him to Haru and put a plate on the table. Haru quickly got the plate and eat, who can't say No to Cielo's heaven food.

"You know, your cooking was always great." Haru said cheerfully.

"Tha-thanks." Cielo said with pink cheek. His not really into a compliment thing, he always feel shy went someone compliment him.

"Why are you here anyway Haru?" Cielo ask.

"I'm here because Hibari-san ask me too." Haru said.

"That's odd for Hibari-san?" Cielo said.

"Why?" Hibari said coldly.

"We-well. You kinda don't like Haru if I were to correct." Cielo said calmly.

"Hn. Your correct. I came here to get Information about those herbivores who lack of Discipline." Hibari said coldly. Yup he went back to Coldly mood again, not the gentle one Cielo used too.

"Ahm... Hi-Hibari-san. Pls don't hurt them. Everything is ok now isn't?" Cielo said worriedly.

"No, One they attempt to do crime. Two they touch what is mine. They deserve to be bitten to death." Hibari said coldly.

There it goes, the catch phrase that Cielo know's will lead to not good. He pray for those people who will suffer Hibari's wrath.

Cielo din't try to speak back, from the looks of Hibari he is desperate and he looks quite scary, just like before.

"Maybe I'm starting to take back what I have said that Hibari changed." Cielo thought.

After some time. Hibari said that he will get out a bit and Haru and Cielo clean the necessary things that needed to be clean.

Hibari went to the spot where Haru said she found Cielo. As Hibari arrive he saw 5-6 mens doing illegal stuff, like preparing to inhale drugs and cigarettes.

Hibari look at them in disgust and with eventually cold/ glaring daggers.

"Who's the one who hurt the kid last night?" Hibari said coldly.

"Huh? Who are you? And that kid last night was tough but we ma-" the man didn't even finish the sentence as Hibari kick sending him flying.

"For doing illegal stuff, and touching what is mine I'll bite you to death!" Hibari said and Let the session begins.

No one,Absolutely NO ONE  will touch what is his, specially his own pet.


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