Chapter 1

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                Aderyn hurried down the castle halls and unceremoniously shoved open the doors to the library. The familiar smell of burning candles and ancient books vaguely registered through his distressed thoughts as he came to a halt just inside the doorway. The king's head snapped up at the abrupt entrance of his Lorien advisor. Aderyn acknowledged the queen, who sat close to her husband, with a nod before turning his gaze upon the king. "We just received a report from Yarrow, your majesty." Aderyn said, slightly breathless from his dash down the halls. "The Farlinians have desolated Yarrow and are moving north toward Acriptus." The king bounded up, sending his chair screeching across the floor. "It cannot be so soon," he breathed. "I just received the news from Duke Bertram in Marlin," Aderyn confirmed. "His merchants barely escaped and they report that the town is nothing more than a smoking heap of ash. Duke Bertram's men are going out to meet the Farlinian army and have requested reinforcements to be sent to them." Something flashed through the king's eyes at the mention of his brother. It was a look Aderyn could not interpret and had no time to contemplate as the king strode across the room and hailed a guard. "Sound the battle horn and saddle my horse," the king commanded crisply. "We ride for Marlin." As the guard hurried away the king turned to Aderyn, the unfamiliar look in his eyes gone and replaced by grim determination. "I only pray we are not too late. Marlin is a day's hard ride, but the Farlinains are not restrained by roads." "Farlinians are still restrained by their own weakness," Aderyn reminded. "They cannot fly forever. Especially in full battle armor. With haste, you should meet them in Marlin. They will not be expecting an awaiting army." From outside the castle, a long bugle was sounded over the city calling the men to arms. The bugle's voice was loud and clear in the night and could be heard by every citizen within the city of Acriptus. "They are finally avenging themselves against us," the queen muttered, her face pale and tight despite the flash of anger in her eyes. The king turned and gently took her hands in his. "The marital alliance between us and the Farlinian kingdoms was denied because I have, and always will, love you." His voice carried assurance and confidence that stilled the quivering strains of nervousness in the air. "If the Farlinians wish to hold a grudge against me, then so be it. I will not stand by and watch my people die by the hands of revenge-seekers." The king hesitated, as if about to say more, but then apparently changed his mind and smiled slightly to ease the worry in his wife's eyes. Queen Luanna leaned up and softly kissed the king's cheek with a whispered, "Come back." Though it sounded more like a command than anything else. The king laid a hand on the side of her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I will." The king turned to Aderyn as a guard stepped into the room. The guard saluted smartly. "Your horse is waiting in the courtyard, your majesty." The king nodded and followed him out. Aderyn walked by his side. "What about the rumors that have been spreading throughout the kingdom, my lord?" Aderyn ventured. The king's jaw clenched and his stride lengthened. "You yourself know that they are founded on shifting sand. The Loriens have no intent of taking the kingdom from me." "But the reports of Loriens raiders are not founded on purely sand. If it is true.." "Be that as it may," the king interrupted. "But blood doesn't make a thief. There are Acriptian thieves as well." "And the other one?" Aderyn persisted. The King sighed deeply. "I don't know how else I can prove to the people that I am still a loyal Acriptian. I married Luanna because I loved her. I have no scheme to hand the kingdom over to the hands of the Loriens as the rumors accuse. But even if I did, the people would be in good hands - if a little blunt." The last comment was meant as an attempted jest, but Aderyn could only muster a pained grin. A moment of silence was penetrated only by the clicking of their boots on the marble floors. "Protect the queen at all costs," the king said gravely, breaking the growing silence. "I hope to return and fulfil the promise I made to her, but that is not entirely in my control." "I had hoped to ride at your side and assure your safe return." Aderyn said grimly. The king stopped and laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm honored that you feel so. But the greatest service you could ever render me is to protect my wife and my sons." Aderyn's brow knit together in confusion. "You will return, my king." The king's eyes were filled with sorrow. "That is my prayer." The king removed a necklace from around his neck and clenched it in his fist before pressing it into Aderyn's hand. "But if my optimism isn't enough to get me through, give this to Reynold when he is of age." The king grew quiet. "I'm sure someday he will want to know the truth. Then he will need the necklace." Aderyn's hand closed over the necklace and the king left without another word. A farewell would prematurely seal his grave, but assurance of victory was not certain. Aderyn remained where the king had left him until the sound of clattering horse hooves disappeared out of the courtyard. Only then did he look down at the necklace in his hands. It was a simple twine rope with a single pendant attached to the middle. It was a square metal plate of hammered steel with the word Protector etched into the metal and surrounded by the branches of an elegantly engraved tree. It truly described his king. Strong, towering, protective, noble, the list of names could go on. Only he could keep the peace between the Acriptians and Loriens. Without him, this threat of war would turn into a reality and would become their way of life. And life would become a living nightmare. The next day, the city of Acriptus was a milling crowd of anxious bodies as the news of the destruction of Yarrow and the Farlinian's approach spread. Like sheep without a shepherd, they quickly became frantic as their imagination and fear took control of their better judgement. The following five days that passed might as well have been five years. By evening of the sixth day the people were storming the castle gates. Aderyn rushed to the tower along the inner wall and looked over the sea of people in the castle courtyard. Torches sent their eerie flashes of orange light across the faces of their bearers, making the entire crowd appear like an army of goblins. "People of Acriptus," Aderyn shouted, trying desperately to make his voice heard. "Why do you storm the gates in fear?" The crowds quieted enough for one man's voice to rise above the din. "We fear for our lives! What if the king has abandoned us?" Aderyn gripped the rock wall as the crowds began screaming in assent. He raised his hand for silence. "What evil has put this idea into your minds - has your king ever given you reason to doubt his loyalty?" "He married a Lorien to pollute our people with their blood - the blood of thieves!" "They will murder us in our sleep and take our homes!" More cheers accented these statement as the people grew more tumultuous. Aderyn's heart began to pound against his chest as fear seized him. His gaze was drawn to a collection of torches outside the outer walls. A trumpet was blown from the Keep signaling the return of the king. The people turned as a party of mounted soldiers forced their way through the crowds to the castle steps. Aderyn retreated into the castle and met the party as they entered the grand hall. His heart faltered as he recognized the colors of Duke Bertram. Before Aderyn could gather his scattered wits, Duke Bertram stepped out from amongst his guards and approached Aderyn. Bertram stared down his nose at him and Aderyn was painfully reminded of his Lorien blood, which prevented him and any of his kinsmen to grow beyond five and half feet. "Where is my brother?" Bertram demanded, his deep voice seeping through the tense atmosphere of the room.                Aderyn felt the blood drain from his face. "He left for Marlin with the entire castle guard." Bertram's eyes widened, but lacked any display of surprise. "So, it is as I feared." "What do you mean by that?" Aderyn snapped. "Do not pretend you did not see this coming," Bertram retorted condescendingly. "The rumors have traveled far. He knew, the day he married the Lorien princess, that the Farlinians would seek revenge. No doubt he has been biding his time in luxury. Now that the Farlins are at our borders he has left to heaven-knows where." Aderyn's skin prickled. "Your words border treachery and blasphemy." Bertram spread his arms wide. "There is no one to blaspheme and no one to betray." His arms dropped to his sides and a dangerous light gleamed in the duke's eyes. "I suggest you amend your attitude before your new king." Aderyn's Lorien blood boiled and heat rushed into his face. He clenched his fists and stared hard at the duke, pouring all this strength into containing his inclination to punch the duke's face in. Bertram's pleasure was obvious as he glanced around the lavish hall. "It's unfortunate for you– I'm sure – realizing you have served a traitor and coward." Aderyn's last nerve snapped. Anybody with a drop of Human blood might have acted differently, but his emotion took over before his mind had the chance to react. Aderyn's sword slid from its sheath as he lunged at the duke. The guards rushed him with spear points leveled and met him before he could reach his target. Aderyn cut off the tip of the closest spear and disarmed two more before freezing in the face of the other ten. Even more soldiers circled around him with swords drawn. Aderyn's breathing was heavy and his vision blurred with fury and defeat. Bertram clucked his tongue and shook his head as if Aderyn were some child in trouble for sneaking cookies. "A terrible decision, and one you will quickly regret." "I would do it all over again," Aderyn spat back as the guards disarmed him. Their rough grips chafed his skin as they secured his hands behind his back. As the guards dragged Aderyn past Bertram he sent the duke a venomous look. Bertram's grin infuriated Aderyn and he struggled against the guards that held him. One of them jabbed a knee into his gut, forcing the air from his lungs. Aderyn bit back a groan as he was heaved nearly off his feet. "It's actually quite convenient that you tried to attack me, Aderyn," Bertram called after him. "Now I actually have a good reason for getting rid of you. Although from now on, Lorien blood is enough to make you a criminal." Bertram's laughter followed after them as the guards led Adern away. The hallways, which had once been full of welcome laughter and light, flashed by as grave and empty walls as the guards brought him closer to the dungeon. The echo of clattering boots filled the halls as Bertram's soldiers gathered every servant in the entire castle. There were brief moments where the hallways would echo with sword clashing that quickly melted into gasps of pain as the loyal defenders of the castle fell. The guards escorting him to the dungeon picked up the pace with each echoing scuffle. They rounded a corner recklessly and he he was shoved straight into the chest of another guard. Aderyn felt himself jerked forward, out of the grasp of Bertram's guards. At the same time there came two metallic thuds followed by a clatter of falling weapons. Aderyn turned and saw Bertram's guards laying in a heap on the floor. A hand gripped Aderyn's shoulder and prevented him from turning back to the guard he had run into. He could hear the creaking of leather and the rattle of chainmail as the guard behind him lowered his mouth close to his ear. "If you wish to live, get out of the castle through the servant's quarters." Aderyn tensed at the deep rumbling voice that made his heart vibrate even at a whisper. His ear began to tingle as the guard's bearded face came even closer. "With haste you will beat the guards to the stable. There are enough people in the courtyard, you should not be noticed by anyone." "And how am I to trust you?" Aderyn hissed back. The fingers on his shoulder tightened and Aderyn winced at the strength. His eyes slid down and widened to see that each finger that gripped his shoulder was as big as three of his. "Those guards were doing a perfectly good job of leading you to your death and didn't need any help from me." The voice said with a hint of annoyance. "I will not abandon the queen." The grip on his shoulder loosened slowly. "Do not turn around until you can no longer hear my steps. Then make haste for the servant's quarter. I will rescue the queen and her sons, for nobody would suspect me. You, on the other hand, have a target on your head." Aderyn shook his head slightly. "I will not abandon the queen." he repeated stubbornly. The hallways were suddenly filled with the rush of oncoming soldiers. "You have no other choice," the voice muttered. Aderyn felt the hand on his shoulder tighten before a stunning blow made his vision explode with stars. His knees buckled under him. Two giant hands caught him and lowered him gently to the ground just before the world went black. 

Aderyn's eye fluttered open, but his vision was numbed by the blinding light of dancing torches. The familiar sight made his skin crawl and quickened his recovery from the stunning blow the guard had dealt him. His blood pulsed rapidly as his heartrate accelerated with a rush of adrenaline. Now he was fully awake and able to separate the pounding of his head from the roaring sound that filled his ears, which had been one and the same when he had first regained consciousness. "Good people of Acriptus," a voice boomed over the roaring crowds. "Your king has abandoned you to the hands of the Farlinians." Gasps of fear and growls of anger trickled through the onlookers. Aderyn picked himself off of the cobblestone street and walked out from under the rough hiding place where his unconscious body has been stashed. His blood heated as he recognized Bertram's voice. Good reasoning battled against curiosity as he debated whether he should make his escape, or learn what Bertram had in mind for his newly poisoned kingdom. "I asked for help from your king and still he caved in to cowardice," Bertram continued. Aderyn growled under his breath and strode dangerously close to the crowds. At the moment though, no citizen could have cared less about the dirty, bruised Lorien behind them even if they had peeled their attention off of Bertram to look around. Bertram's voice reached the farthest person in the crowd. "He has stolen your wealth and disappeared with his Lorien queen, who, because of their marriage, is the source of our enmity with the Farlins." The duke raised his right hand in the air above his head for all to see. "But by this hand I have destroyed the people who threatened your safety and happiness." Cheers interrupted him and a smile grew on Bertram's face. "And with this hand, I will also rid this kingdom of the Loriens who have raided our people." More cheers accented this proclamation. Bertram's courage grew with the roaring crowds. "Together we will finish what we started when we first came to this land! We will conquer the woods, level the mountains, and establish our kingdom of Acriptus. We will be an unstoppable race, and every people will acknowledge our superiority!" Fists were raised into the air as the people screamed and cheered. Aderyn's anger pounded in his ears, his nails dug into the palms of his hands, and sweat beaded on his brow as he listened to the death sentence of his people and the proclamation of slavery on every other nation. Bertram basked in the glory of the crowd's praise of him and anger towards their former king. Aderyn tore his eyes from the crowds and took several deep breaths to clear his reasoning. He leaned his head against the cold stone wall and tried to calm his racing heart. The sickening acknowledgement of defeat was hard to swallow. It balled in his throat and wouldn't go down. He took one last look at the castle, whose rooms and halls were no longer his home. He swallowed hard, then turned his back on the castle of Acriptus. He ran through the empty city, only pausing once he was outside the gates. The city of Acriptus was surrounded by the shadows of the forest that had always sheltered the Loriens. Soon, without help, it would be reduced to the burned stubble of farm fields. Aderyn pulled his cloak closer about his shoulders and disappeared into the darkness of the woods. He could do nothing to stop this evil on his own, but he could at least spread the warning to every Lorien he met.

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