Chapter 20

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Our 2days vication ended so happy. We really enjoyed every acvtivity we did. We also told them about our Relationship and they are so happy with that.


Luhan, why are you not texting me?

Its been 4days that I haven't got any calls or message from him.

"Hi, how are you?" I decided to text him.

After 30mins. He replied

"Sorry, I'm busy. I'll just call you later"

*sigh* He's always busy, maybe because they're working for their new songs. so I must understand. but I really miss him so much.

It's only 5pm . So I decided to have a surprise visit for them.

I baked some cookies for them as a gift.

I went to my car and drove off. Few minutes and I'm already here in the SM building.

I used the stairs so that no one will notice me.

I'm so excited. It's been a while since I saw them.

I'm in the 2nd floor now when I notice two persons right beside the stairs. I quickly hide. I peek so that I can see who it is. It's a guy, and infront of him is a girl. I can't see the face of the guy 'cause all I can see is his back.

After a couple of minutes..

They faced towards me,

My heart just skip a beat and drop the box of cookies on the floor.

I quickly ran away, as fast as I can. My sight is getting blury as the water filled my eyes.

"Ouch!" I groan. I think I just bumped on someone.

I look up to check who it was. It's..Justin.

"You alright?" He asked me.

I didn't answered him but rather hugged him.

Finally my tears rolled from my eyes.

"Why? Whats your problem?" he asked. I want to answer him honestly but can't.

"Justin.. please...can I just hug you for a moment?" I said between my sobs.

"Of course" and He tapped his hands on my head.

"Can you tell me whats the problem?"

"Sorry, but I can't"

"Its ok, I understand"

"Thank you..."

Justin's POV.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked after calming her down a bit.

She just nodded.

We went to the park near the building.

She's still crying. Darn! Who the heck make her cry?

"Please dont cry" I wipped her tears.

I looked at her. Her eyes is red and puffy.

My heart just skipped a beat when she looks at me.

"Justin, thank you so much for your time" she said.

"It's ok, I'm always here for you Krisha" I said flashing an assuring smile.

She smiles weakly, though she's still beautiful after crying so much.

"I'm ok now, I'll go home" she said.

"I'll take you to your home" I offered.

"No, I'm ok, I want to be alone now. But, thank you so much, I appreciate it" she said shooking her head.

"You sure?"

"Yes!" She said and flash a smile again.

"Ok, take care then. Message me if you got home"

I know she also needs time alone.
She nodded and wave goodbye. I looked at her as she walks away until she's out of sight. A lot of thoughts flashing through my mind.

I really see sadness in her eyes. I wonder why is she crying.

I don't know but...I feel like I want to protect her.


hello guys.. sorry for the short chapter. I'll update again later.. please keep reading, kamsa~ :)

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