chapter 6

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Winter has no idea what to think when it comes to Rose. No doctors are coming to talk to her. Her nerves are beyond comprehension. Her mind is racing. She can't sit down to save her life. Patience was killing her by the second.

Stacey came and brought Winter some coffee. Winter eased up on her worry about her daughter. She sat down next to Stacey and read a magazine. By this time Winter haven't noticed that the doctor was in the lobby. Stacey have though. She didn't want to say nothing. Honestly she was scared for Rose too.

The doctor walks over. "Winter Johnson. If she is still here please see me." The doctor stood there. Winter and Stacey approached him.

"Yes. I'm Winter Johnson. Is this concerning my daughter Rose?" Winter said as she shook the doctor's hand.

"Yes ma'am it does. May I take you to the conference room. This matter is too severe to explain in the open." The doctor guided Winter and Stacey to the nearest conference room.

Winter is now scared. Even though she is remaining calm; she's terrified on what the doctor is about to say. Winter have never felt fear like this before. It was like conquering your biggest fear for the time. Only difference is that your daughter lays in the middle. All three of them sits down.

"Mrs. Johnson I'm Dr. Fellows. I been in to see your daughter. Now we are running test on her. There are some things that was brought to my attention by your daughter. She told me that she was beaten up by some girls at school the other day. She didn't know how to tell you that." Dr. Fellows started.

Winter relaxed. She knew wit was wrong for Rose to lie, but she was almost happy hear to it.
Just out of fear alone it was scary. The look the doctor had told a different story. The doctor obviously knew something was wrong.

"I've been a doctor for a long time now. I've seen it all. I have heard it all. It's not going to be too much that I'm going to believe. I definitely don't believe that story. Please if there's something you need to tell me I need to know it now." Dr. Fellows  looked concerned.

"Well, Sir what can you tell me? Is my daughter going to be okay? There's nothing going on. She's safe where's see sleeps." Winter knew she was lying, but she didn't care. She was getting mad. All she wanted to do was see Rose at this point.

"All I can tell you is that something isn't right. Doesn't look right. It definitely doesn't feels right. I hope you are prepared for what's going to happen." Dr. Johnson walked out the room.

Winter was so pissed. She could even hold it together. All she could do was pace the floor. So angry that tears are pouring down her face. Winter just played every moment in her head that she wished that she would had helped her daughters. Then turns around and punches the wall. Stacey grabs Winter.

"Calm yourself Girl. Don't lose your cool in here." Stacey tries to calm Winter down.

"Man I can't believe I just didn't know Stacey. This shit is killing me. I'm their mother. I'm supposed to protect them. I didn't." Winter eyes red from the tears.

"Winter it's so easy to be blinded by these things. My mother died not knowing what was going on with me and James. We never spoke on it." Stacey gave Winter some tissue so she could wash her face.

"You know, you think that you are suppose to protect your kids for the cruel things that's in the world. You never would think that the evil is in your home. Especially that you lay next to him." Winter really got angry.

Meanwhile as Stacey and Winter are the conference room; the nurse and doctor are going over the results of the paperwork for Rose. The nurse never seen such a case. The brutality of it is something out of a lifetime movie. Dr. Fellows knew it was something wrong. He felt so bad for Rose. He went in and talked to her.

"Hello Rose. I'm Dr. Fellows. How are you feeling?" Dr. Fellows sat down on the chair next to her.

"I feel fine. Ready to go home. Where's my mother?" Rose was paranoid and scared.

"Rose you won't be leaving the hospital for a couple days. You are sick and need to heal properly. Your mother is here. First, I need to ask you a few questions." Dr. Fellows said as he pulled his notepad out.

"What do you want to know?" Rose was so tired. Sleepy from all the medicine she took.

"Is there anything that's going on at home? Its okay to tell me I'm here to protect you." Dr. Fellows rested his hand on Rose's shoulder.

Rose jerked away. Anxious and all. "Don't touch me like that. I'm doing good at home." Rose fidgeting.

Dr. Fellows found this alarming. Especially since her reactions are what the doctor expected. "Rose I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Just don't want you to be holding something in and you can get help. Are you sure that you are safe at home?" Fellows stood up and started walking towards the door.

Rose has begun tired of the questions. "Why are you asking me? Ask my father. He did this to me." Rose yelled. A part of Rose felt guilty to say it. Then again it felt great to let it out.

Dr. Fellows just walked out the room. He was astonished on what Rose said. Not shocked. The paperwork confirmed his thoughts. He just walked over to the nursing station.

"Please place a call to the CPS. Then call the police. We have to report a rape. A rape of a minor. This case needs to be handled thoroughly. This is the Sergeant Jonson's daughter. Make it urgent." Dr. Fellows walked away.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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