Moving Day

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Devin woke up because a pillow had been thrown at her face, as her bedroom door opened, filling the room with light. She rolled over to check the time. 8:10. Ugh, she thought, I'm just gonna stay in bed. That idea didn't last very long. Devin fell on the floor, now soaking wet and cold. So much for sleeping in.

"Sam! Fiona! Are you kidding?! Ugh." She stood and ran into the kitchen. This wasn't the first time Fiona had done something, convincing Sam to help as well. Devin grabbed a piece of toast, trying to eat as quickly as possible. Lynn, Devin's mum, walked into the room, carrying some boxes. They were moving from Australia to London. How fun, 24 hours on a plane, then living in a new country for the rest of existence.

"Finally! Took you long enough to get up Devin!" complained Lynn. "Go get changed quickly, we need to load this stuff and get to the airport by 11:00." Devin dragged her feet to her room to change. 

After Lynn put the boxes she had in the kitchen, she went to see how Fiona and Sam were doing. After checking their rooms, which were almost empty, she went outside to see if she could find them. Sam was crouched over by the garden with a bag.

"Sam, what are you doing?

He turned around, clutching a bag full of rocks and flowers from the garden. " I, uh. I was taking these?"

Lynn signed. "Sam you can't take flowers. It's illegal. And that's too many rocks if you have to take some. I will let you take 1. Now hurry up! We are leaving soon!" As Lynn turned away Sam put 3 rocks in his bag and headed inside.

Devin had been told to help get Sam's stuff and put it in the car.

"Ugh. Sam! Get over here and take your stuff!" Sam ran around her to escape.

Eventually they are made it to the car. That's when Sam realised something.

" Wait! I have to do something!" Sam opened the door and ran down the street.

"That bloody kid.." grumbled David, their dad. David had hated Sam ever since He wanted to be a boy.

Sam ran down the street to his best friend Jimmy Kalins' house. He knocked on the door. Jimmy answered. Sam pulled Jimmy into a hug, almost crying.

"Jimmy, I have to go today."

They looked at the floor, not knowing what to say. They had been best friends for years. Now Sam was leaving to go half way around the world.

"You'll call me as soon as you get there right?" Jimmy asked. He wiped his eyes.

"Of course." Sam smiled, but then turned around. His car had pulled up on the driveway. They hugged one last time and Sam jumped in the car.

"See you later, mate!" yelled Sam out the window.

After a lot of arguing and driving, they some how made it to the airport. Sam bought an Australian tourist shirt, of course. He said it was important. On the plane, Sam sat by the window  so he could see them leave. Lynn sat next to him, with Devin listening to her music to her left. In front of them was Fiona on the isle, not a good decision, and David to her right.

The trip was... interesting. Every time Sam went to the bathroom, he hid on the other side of the room when the toilet flushed. He said he didn't want to be sucked in. Fiona kept disappearing and coming but with something she had stolen. 

"Oi, I mean, excuse me," Fiona said to a flight attendant. "Can I get a juice box please?" The flight attendant looked over at her.

"Sure, but you have to do one thing first." she smiled at her.

"Okay sure."

"Could I have my watch back? the attendant asked. Fiona looked sideways, but then handed over the watch. "Damn it." she muttered. But she got some Orange juice, so she cheered up again.

Devin refused to speak to any one the whole trip. Sam and Fiona would try to get her to talk, but they shut up once they unplugged her earplugs and Panic! at the Disco started blasting.

Once they got of the plane, every one started acting differently because of the new area. Sam looked scared of everyone, Devin didn't really look around, and Fiona stared at everyone suspiciously. 

They all found the luggage, each bag easy to find because Fiona and Sam had put bright coloured tags on them. They went through security and made it to the counters before Fiona started complaining about it taking so long.

"Fiona be quiet we are leaving now." said Lynn, grabbing Fiona's hand as they left the airport. The air was fresh and the sun was out surprisingly, though of course it was still below 20 Degrees. Not that any of them noticed. The whole Miche family was exhausted, so they hauled a cab an headed to their new home, not knowing where it was exactly.


Hey Kids

I hope you liked this first chapter here.

Chazzi and I will be taking turns writing chapters.

That's all I have to say


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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