Chapter 14

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"A tray, wet wipes, rinse-free soap..."

I was murmuring to myself as I went through the aisle in our local medical supply shop. Seeley had given me a list of things to buy as he headed out that morning, saying that the hospice carer had instructed us to get them as things were running out. Declan had mentioned he needed to meet an old friend just as I headed out, and while I was curious on who it was, I decided to get the items myself instead of messaging him further, not eager to be called a clingy girlfriend. 

Tossing the last of the items needed into the basket I had slung over my arm,  I turned the corner to head towards the cashier. Not paying attention to where I was as I counted the amount of wipes I had procured however, I almost ran into a solid wall of muscle had the owner's hands not come up to steady me around my shoulders.

When I regained my footing, I looked up and grinned when I saw a familiar easy-going smile and dimples in his cheeks.

"Grant! I thought you returned to Los Angeles already?" I exclaimed in surprise at seeing Declan's best friend. Grant's family were half in Los Angeles. His parents were divorced, and he often returned to his mother's place here in Redwood Creek for the week leading up to Christmas, and then left after to head to his dad's place in Los Angeles.

He shrugged. "Dad's busy with his new baby girl this year, so I'm staying here for Christmas this year." he replied with a grin. His eyes scanned over the items in my basket, and then asked in a hushed tone. "Is... Is Mr. Harrington alright?"

I felt a hitch in my heart, at the reminder of how my dad could no longer boss people around the place, but I plastered a smile on my face instead. "He's cranky, cause neither me nor Seeley are letting him out of house arrest." 

Grant chuckled. My dad's stubborn nature and on-the-go attitude is well known in town, so I guess it had been odd not to hear his loud voice in Harrington House over the past week or so. 

"Have you heard?" 

At Grant's question, I looked up, question marks in my eyes. His tone was as if I should've heard what he was about to say next, yet none came to mind as he blinked at me blankly, his next words pulling the floor out from under me when I heard it.

"Declan got an offer to be the coach to a budding new team in Chicago. They are offering him a part time training position while he studies, but it guarantee's him a full-time position as a coach upon graduation and a definite continuation of his scholarship."


"Kay? Why the rush?"

I heard Declan right as the door had swung open. Seated next to Dad on the couch in the living room, I flicked my hair so it shielded my face when he turned to look at me with a question in his eyes. Even he could hear the question in Declan's voice, especially when the male in question peeked into the living room from the hallway. Not wanting for him to watch this debacle however, I patted his arm gently.

"I'll be out for a little alright?" I murmured, pushing the bell he had closer to his fingers. "If you need anyone, just call for us."

"Do I need to call Seeley for you?" he asked, and my heart softened. Dad had always been extra protective over us after Mom's death. I could his brain cogs turning as he frowned, but with how much pain he's already in, I didn't want to worry him in the rare times between his bouts of pain.

"It's alright. I'll be back soon." Leaning in, I kissed his furry cheek, and then motioned at Declan to follow me as I headed up the stairwell towards my room. It wasn't till he had closed the door behind him, did I turn to him. Instinctively, my arms wrapped around my waist, as if I was shielding myself from invisible pain, but something had gripped in my chest the moment I had met Grant earlier, and refused to let go. "Is there something you'd like to tell me, Lan?"

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