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"How are you Bel?" He asked me, touching my shoulder as a sign of greeting.  I didn't say anything at all. I don't mean to ignore my brother but I just can't deal with it right now.
"Hey... Bel." I felt like I was gunna cry but I held back my tears.
"Not now brother." I said.
"What do you mean not now?"
"I don't want to talk to you..." I ran off to my bedroom. He called my name but I didn't answer nor looked back at him. I opened the door, locked it, changed my clothes, and cried myself to sleep. I woke up suddenly because I felt someone being mischievous and laughing maliciously. It was still ringing in my ears. Goosebumps are standing on my skin. Cringe. I had a feeling it was the sleep paralysis that occured to me again. My brother was sitting beside me.

"What are you doing here? I told you I can't talk to you right this moment." I felt a sudden panic attack but it was just a feeling.
"I was anxious about you, Bel." He pouted. He's cute when he does that.
I kept on holding back my tears but it bursted out. Ugh.
"Bel..." I handed him the report card that I just got from school.
"Oh. My. Gawd." He probably saw my failing marks since he reacted that way.
"I knew you would be disappointed in me, bruh." I sobbed hard that I felt my tears are falling down to his shirt.
"Bel, I'm not disappointed but I'm not saying I'm happy too."
"I-- am... such a failure. I'll never make you proud. It's all my fault and I should've done better." I said pessimestically.
"No, don't blame yourself my dear. You've done your part. There's time for improvement, you know? No matter what happens to you, I'll always be proud of you, sis. Here's an advice: If you feel like failing, listen to 'At My Best' . It will motivate you to become better. Remember what you told me about conquering failures?"
"Yes, failures are stepping stones to success. Also this acronym..."
"F.A.I.L." Kells smiled at me while wiping away my tears
"First Attempt in Learning." We said it together.
"Bruh, who sang At My Best?"
"Machine Gun Kelly and Hailee Steinfeld."
"Wait, bruh, I saw Machine Gun Kelly's music video, not at my best. It's with Little Mix on TV one time and he kinda resembles you. The face. The eyes. Etc."
"Umm... I want to confess something to you Bel." He playfully stroke my hair lightly.
"What is it?"
"Can you keep this a secret? It's between you and me."
"I... uh... am... himself."
"I don't know what you mean."
"Bel, I am MGK himself. No lies but that is my rapper name."
"Your alter ego?"
"Yes, like Hannah Montana. Pffft." He laughed like it was some sort of joke.
"No wonder, we rarely see you. Sometimes you are not at home. School is walking distance."
"Yeah, that is because I am working."
"But you're not like the other singers? Who only cares for fame?"
"Sis, I ain't like that. Believe it or not, I am a humble person. I am still the same ol' Kells. Same brother. Same attitude. Etc. Nothing changes. I just grew up and matured. I won't let fame ruin my reputation. I'm there for my EST family."
"What does EST mean? Establishment?"
"Haha, nope. It means EVERYONE STANDS TOGETHER. You stand up for each other. You know what I mean?"
"Uh-huh yes. Helping each other out?"
"Yes something related to what you said."

Weeks later, It's Thanksgiving. I woke up just to see someone is missing.
"Hi Bel! Good morning!" The babysitter said to me, smiling.
"Where's my brother?"
"He just left but he told me to tell you that he would be back next week."
"SINCE WHEN?" I freaked out.
"Next week." She said calmly.
Speaking of, he was calling me. Yes, me.
"Hello Bel."
"WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed.
"Do you have to shout? I'm back to work again, as usual. I can't celebrate with you. I have a busy schedule and I hope you understand."
"AHHHHHHHH!" I cried out to him.
"Shh shh relax my dear Bel ."
"I miss you so much."
"Me too, let those tears out but don't forget to breathe."
"You really mean to leave me don't you?"
"No... but I have no choice."
"So you prioritize your work over your own family?"
"No is still the answer. Work is important but I am doing this for you."
"You can actually take a break or day-off you know?"
"I know but..." He heaved a sigh then continues "Bel, you may not understand me now but if you were in my position, you get what I am saying. One day, you will grow up  and you will work on your own too."
"Okay. I don't mind if you kept on working there as long as the 4 of us siblings are always in your mind, heart, and soul because when you love someone, you won't forget us."
"Of course I won't."
"Another thing, no matter how successful you are, if you will still be the same ol' brother to us, then I therefore conclude that YOU still love us. Successful people sometimes tend to brag/be boastful about their success while silent ones are gratefully humble."
"Silly bel. Haha. You think I would change just because I am successful?"
"Maybe, maybe not."
"My gosh! I'll still be the same brother, same face, etc."
"Hmm... how sure are you? What about your attitude?"
"Once I return, you will know the answer."
"Let's see about that."
"Colson!" A lady called his name.
"Got to go Bel! I love you!"
"I love you too, bruh."

(Somewhere in NYC)
Weeks later...
"Brother!" I called him while he was busy ironing his clothes. He stopped for a little while. Question is, where are my 3 siblings? They are at home, taking care of Cass while me and my brother were away. My brother is supposed to buy tickets for 4 but the promo says 'good for two people' only. Gaaaasshh. So unfair. My sisters knew about this. They felt sad but they understand so that's the whole story. Long story short, I mean.

Kells: "Yes my beloved bel?" He glanced at me and smiled. Aww, that cheeky smile gets me everytime.
" You're a kid at heart aren't you?"
Kells: Yeah. Why?
I approached him, he placed his arms around me and then I said
" Look at this."  and showed to him the article PLAY: CLE, A GIANT INDOOR PLAYGROUND (via social media ofc)  "OH. MY. GOLDEN. GAWD!!! I have to take Cass there! Maybe I might meet some EST fam there too"
Kells: But I also encouRAGE you plus your siblings to come with me and Cass. The more the merrier!!
"Really bruh?" I suddenly felt excited
Kells: Yeah, infact you introduced me to this place. So, why not ? And I know you are also a child at heart + the article says "fun has no age limits" EVERYONE is allowed to go there no matter what age. When we go home to CLE, I'll take you and Case there. Thanks BELoved.
"You're welcome. I can't wait.
Kells: *killer laugh* Haha😂

Then is about to hug me but...
"Wait, stop. Let me do it for you. By the way, you're welcome." I embraced him so hard that I can't breathe. He's like my giant human teddy bear🤗
He pinched my cheeks.
"Oww... that hurts. But in return, I tickled him
Kells: " Little sis, HAHAHA stop it. HAHAHAHAHA"
He laughed as if I made some sort of very hilarious joke.
" I will only stop if you stop pinching my damn cheeks. "
Kells "alright." He stopped doing it and continued ironing his clothes.

Damn, I suddenly felt the urge to eat. I grabbed the fridge door and...
"Are you hungry?" he asked.
"A little. You're done ? Ironing your clothes?"
"AHHHHHHHHHH." She gasped. That is Enka who was panicking.
"Open the door!!" I screamed.
Bel opened it for us and she locked it quickly and we fell to the floor. "What's wrong?" Bel asked me, comforting me. "A psychopath woman was after us She was out of her mind. She was on the loose. I think that is his mom. Brother showed us a picture of his mom and told us she left him when he was nine."
I heard footsteps running downstairs and my brother asked us: "What happened?? Is everyone okay?"
Enka started to become hysterical.
"Tell me, what happened to Enka?"
"A woman was running after her."
"She's not just a woman, she's a psychopath!!!!" She shrieked.
"Enka... Enka... Enka... it's okay. Please calm down." He wrapped his arms around me. I did the same.
"The two of you, where have you been?" I can sense he was worried about us.
"We're out buying candy." I admitted.
"Without my permission?"
"Yeah." Enka and I both said in chorus.
"Oh. My. Gawd."
"Pardon me, brother. It's my fault and I sneaked out of the house and I told Elle not to tell anyone.
"I accept your apology and I hope this will be a lesson for you not to go out of this house without my knowledge. Thank God, you're safe! It's not only for Elle and Enka, this goes for everyone and that includes you and Bel. You know how protective I am to all of you, right?" Elseth nodded.
"AccuRight." Bel said. Enka stood up and Kells saw a black & bruise. He carried her to the kitchen and Enka sat down on the sink. Kells reached for a ice pack in the fridge and he placed it on Enka's left knee.

"Feeling better?"
"Be careful next time okay? Love you Enyks." He cuddled her.
"Same here."

(Note: Accurate + Right)

Author's note: it depends where Kells is, right now.
P.S. her real name is Enyka .

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