Chapter 11

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Axls POV

I woke to the thumping beat of music coming from my bathroom. I felt around for Ryan's small frame finding it quickly and pulling him into my body trying to fall back asleep. "Axl get up we need to talk" I heard Leo say over the now clear music. "not now I'm tired" I said dismissing him with a wave of my hand.

"It's about Ry" the music shut off and I got up reluctantly. I followed Leo out into to the hall. "What?" I said crossing my arms giving him a look "take him to the tracks its the least you can do if your not gonna tell him" Leo handed me the keys to his car."why should I tell him. he's fine not knowing" I shifted my weight leaning on the wall "just because you owned him before he was born doesn't mean you can hide what he is from him"

"Fine I'll take him to the tracks and if he starts showing signs I'll tell him you happy" Leo rolled his eyes at my response "not really but I'll take what I can get from you. Breakfast is ready if you want some" I nodded before walking back into the room.

-Ryan's pov-

I felt soft kisses going up my neck and someones tongue lick the shell of my ear before biting it lightly "I know you're awake bunny" axls low voice whispered in my ear making me smile.

I turned over wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. His lips were soft and tasted sweet. He broke the kiss looking into my eyes I stared into his deep red eyes they were my new normal as crazy as it sounds just a weeks or so ago I was running from those eyes. " we are going out today" he said breaking the silence "where?" I asked " the track it's fun you ride shifters in an open terrain me and Leo use to go all the time when we were younger" he said sitting up "sounds fun can't wait" I said crawling out of bed "I'm going to take a shower"

I walked into the bathroom. The mirror was still fogged from who ever was last to take a shower " you coming or what" I turn to axls now laid out body "mmmm". " I'll take that as a no"

I closed the door behind me locking it so I didn't have any unwanted intruders.
Axl pov

I just need like twenty more minutes then I'll get up and throw some clothes on ,and then bunny and I can go to the track have some fun or whatever.

The feeling of cold water droplets falling on my face  woke me  "wake up sleepy head" I felt bunny bouncing on the bed  " don't jump on my bed you'll break it"  as soon as the sentence left my mouth I regretted it  bunny flopped on top of me knocking the air out of me  "fuck ryan that hurt". "I won't break the bed. Now get up I wanna see the tracks"

Ryan's pov

After axl finally got out of bed and got dress we ate and left for the track. The drive was shorter than I expected but we are finally here

I stayed close to axl as we walk through what looked like a street market.
Axl didn't make me wear the leash but the collar had to stay.

We stoped at what looked like a worn down stadium entrance.there was a man with a large beer gut siting at the entrance taking money.

As we walked closer to the entrance there was a horrid smell of road kill and cigarette smoke. The man smiled at axl showing off his sharp pearly yellows. He welcomed us to the track took the money from axl and told us to pick out a shifter from the book inside. We nodded and walked in. Axl led me to the book of shifters to choose from.

"you've been very quite bunny what's wrong" axl wrapped his arms around my waist as I looked at pictures of the creatures. "I just haven't felt the need to talk l guess" I flipped through the book looking over each picture. "I've already picked mine so we're just waiting on you" I nodded in response and flipped the pages faster trying to find the one I wanted to ride.

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