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"Get away from me!!!"

The boy just looked on with emotionless eyes while he followed his prey. There was no way he was allowing this one to escape. He had gotten the mission to eliminate this man, so he shall eliminate him, that is the way of his guild.

"I'll give you anything! Please! Just leave me alone!!" The man yelled in fear, the man was gradling his arm to his chest, or should I see, his elbow where there used to hang a forearm and hand before the boy came.

"I'm not interested in anything you can offer me"

"I can give you whatever you want! Just name it! What do you want? Money? Women? Drugs? I can give it to you!"

"You're so pathetic" the boy said while cornering the man, his eyes still emotionless.

"Please I beg you! I've got a pregnant wife and two more children to take care of! Without me they would never have enough money to buy food! THey need me!"

"That is not my problem" The small boy raised his weapon.

"Don't you have someone that loves you too?! You're still a child yourself!! You must understand that my family needs me!"

"I was able to kill my first victim at 5, I don't think I still need anyone to take care of me, so no, I don't understand you. Now that I think about it, I did have someone who loved me I guess, my mentor. But didn't you kill him yesterday?"

"Is this for revenge? I'm so sorry!! Please! I did not mean to kill your mentor!"

"I hated the guy, it's good you've killed him, he was an irritating pedophile, thinking I didn't see those glances thrown towards my brother and I, I would've killed him if you didn't kill him"

"See? I proved you a favor by killing your mentor! Would you let me live now? Please!!"

"My, my, that was still my mentor you know, as a student I must take revenge" Honestly, he did not care about that man at all, he would never avenge him. But that does not mean he can't fuck with that mans mind.

"Plea-" He had enough, the man's whining was annoying, he placed his sword back and was about to walk away when he heard a trashcan falling, he turned around to see a small kid, around 6, staring at him with wide eyes.

'Master said no witnesses' The boy thought while walking towards the small boy.

*This timeskip is brought to you by the yaoi inc company*

"Brother? I finished the mission" the small boy said to the lacrima.

His brother's reflection leaned to the right to look behind the small boy. "Little bro, you need to stop making so much victims, you know that master told us to make sure there are no witnesses because the murder of witnesses would not go unnoticed unlike the murder of our target. Seriously, clean up the two bodies and come back, Mom's making curry tonight btw, don't be late!"

The small boy sighed, he hated cleaning up, normally the lesser members did it but some got fired for almost making one of their assassins get caught and other disappeared in mysterious ways, the boy did not need to even think about what ways, betrayal was not taken lightly and deserves a fate worse than death.

He sighed while looking at the body of the 6 year old, he should feel remorse, but he didn't. He was a merciless murder machine and that's all he would ever be, emotions were for the weak.

He slung the body of the little kid over his shoulder while walking towards the decapitated corps of his target. He flipped his hated green hair out of the way so he could see better.

This was just another normal day in the life of Freed the Dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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