first encounter

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Hey iggers im lena Woods im  18 and im  in  ***** high school . so  let me present  m'y family;

Peterson donovan Woods is m'y dad he's 48 . he met m'y mother when he was very young and  since  then its a love affair.

Macy Woods carter: its m'y mom and  she's 42 . she got married to dad when she was 22 and  still loves him like  the  first day  they met. How i wish to live such a love affair

Jay Woods he's m'y brother and the  oldest child . fisrt son and first child of the  family. He's 25 married and father of a little boy of 1 year named shayn . yeah i know he's far away m'y elder brother

Kimberly Anne Woods is my sister she's 21 and in  3rd year university. And she's m'y best  we're very  close together you'll see.

Then me lena Shirley Woods carter yeah i know i have a long name its mom's fault lol

And lastly m'y little brother nirlan Donovan Woods. He's a little boy of 6 years  old and i love him so much. 

Now i'll present  you m'y friends m'y only true  friends i have.

Katy she's m'y n'est friend  and i love her so much

Amber she's m'y friend too  and she's so cool

I think i've presented  everybody now the  real issue can begin. This story its not fake story but a real  life story that happened to me . i hope m'y story will please you all

                 Hey iggers alors que pensez vous de mon introduction ? Ne vous inquiétez pas le livre ne sera pas en anglais mais en français. Mais si vous voulez maintenir l'anglais vous laissé un commentaire en l'indiquent. Surtout n'oubliez pas de voté . kiss iggers love y'a

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