Coming Home

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After Kate landed she called her uncle Bobby to see if he could come pick her up. "Hey Bobby I'm home so can you come pick me up , oh and don't tell the boys I want it to be a surprise. " "sure thing sweetheart I'll be there in a few minutes." "Thanks Bobby" then the phone  call ended . A 20 minutes went by and bobby showed up. He got out of his truck and threw is arms out for a hug. Kate ran over to Bobby and hugged him tightly. They went to bobbies and as soon as they pulled up Kate saw her beloved motorcycle .

 They went to bobbies and as soon as they pulled up Kate saw her beloved motorcycle

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She ran over to it and ran her fingers along the handle bars.  She hurd the impalas engine roar as it came down the road and she quickly hides around the corner of the house soon Sam and Dean came around the corner and she tackled Dean to the ground. He soon realised who it was and wrapped his arms around Kate and hugged her tight she was 5'9 so he didn't have to bend down. Sam rushed over to give his big sister a hug and after they got done hugging they went inside for a beer. Dean and Sam's eyes were red and puffy from tears of joy. They all sat down and Kate cooked a meal for the boys and bobby. Kate yelled for the boys to Come get the food "boys foods ready get ur thumbs outta your asses and come eat! " They came and sat down and enjoyed the meal "damn Kate I forgot how good of a cook you are" dean said with a mouth full of Burger. "So you boys gotta case yet" Kate asked. The room was silent Kate looks back and saw her little brothers looking down at their hands "boys I know dad is missing he went on a hunt with me before he disappeared" the boys head shot up "then I guess we better be looking and killing every evil son of a bitch that crosses our path" Dean and Kate say in unison. " I'll follow you because I know you two have his journal" Kate says putting her stuff in the side bag of the motorcycle while the box on the back is full of weapons.  They soon head out and land at an hotel.

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