the past few weeks

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after the car mishap dean has been constantly saying sorry to me. While I sit and drink my life away I hear banging again I run outside to see dean bashing the trunk of the impala in again. I quickly run over and grab him and hold him in a tight hug while he calms down " I know baby I know I miss him to " then I hear something I thought I would never hear before my drill sergeant as soon as I see him I let go of my brother and stand at attention we lock eyes " at ease " he said I look at dean he looked at me weirdly he had never seen the soldier side of me before. " who is he " dean asks " my old drill sergeant  from my military days " I say with a smile "oh hi " dean says  sergeant Mills sakes his hand and walks to me "ATTENTION!!!" he yells I go into soldier mode "AT EASE!!!" he yells again he takes a sniff "IS THAT ALCOHOL I SMELL ON YOU!!!" he yells in my ear "SIR YES SIR " I reply back "DROP AND GIVE ME 120!!" he yells I drop and start counting "son will you sit on her back for me ?" he asked dean, Dean looked at me wide eyed and I stopped he sat on my back and I breezed through the 120 pushups. "hold on sir ill get someone heavier " dean said " thank you because you are a pin compared to what she normal does " and with that Dean bolted inside and had Sam by the hair "here " dean said "thank you son " Mills said I was standing at attention still "DROP AND GIVE 1000!!" he yelled "SIR YES SIR " I dropped and started "dude sit on her back " dean said "no I'm 260 " sam replied I stopped " BOTH OF YOU GET ON THATS AN ORDER!!!" Mills yelled I smirked "SOMETHING FUNNY TO YOU!!!" yelled "SIR NO SIR" and the both sat on my back and I breezed through 1000 pushups "HAND TO WEAPON COMBAT !!!" mills yelled both boys smirked and grabbed a crowbar and a wrench. I quickly disarm both men and have them on the ground Sam in a chokehold with my legs and dean in a headlock they both tap and I release. "at ease " Mills says " I wish you were still in service Winchester " mills says hugging me. We hear gun fire 1 click out I pull a pistol from my waist band " boys go inside with bobby and get ready for all hell to break loose" I tell them they do as they are told me and sergeant mills head out I signal him to stop when I see who it is "HIT THE DIRT!!" I yell they turn and shoot I fire they go down. Then there is noise coming from the house. I enter the house and six men are standing there I take out three and hide around the corner that's when a bullet goes through the doorway and hits dean in the shoulder I know it was him by the grunt he let out that's when all I could think about  the last three go down and I rush to Dean soon after I patch him up and remove the bullet. "your scary at some points in soldier mode" I hear Sergeant Mills say "I don't aim to be I am just overprotective " I say while putting an ice pack to deans shoulder. "you got that right the look in your eye when someone close to you gets hurt you get scary " I freeze when I hear those words. "Kate are you ok " dean asks then sergeant Mills presses his wound making him yell  in pain then I feel something snap fear crosses their face as I walk to sergeant Mills and grab his wrist "don't " I plead he smirks and I look at the boys they look scared hell it takes a lot to scare them I calm down and look at sergeant Mills "leave now" I growl he acts like he doesn't hear me ok he wants to play well lets play. he swings I pin him to the wall he knees me in the stomach I knock his feet out from under him he does the same thing to dean again I pick Mills up and boy slam him on the floor and send him flying through the front door I walk on the porch  I kick him down the stares and make him look at me while on the ground "leave" I yelled I stand up and he walks off I walk back into the house and go to the boys I have a bloody nose and bloody knuckles and my shirt has blood on it "he is gone now bobby patch him back up I am gonna find a new door " they look at you with wide eyes filled with awe  "Sam come on we haven't had brother sister bonding like me and have yet come on " he follows me "that was awesome Kate did you do that over there " he asks with a smile on his face "yeah Sammy I did " putting a hand on his back and walking him in the barn before me we get the door and I fix it before sundown and cook dinner  and bring Dean his while the pie is cooling down " I baked pie for you its cooling down in the fridge when you get done " I smile and hand him his beer while he smiles "thank you " he says. I bring Sam his salad that he likes me to make and a beer "there you go there is pie in the fridge if you want some" I say with a smile and I bring bobby his dinner and a beer "there's pie in the fridge if dean doesn't get it first" I say with a smile he smiles and begins to eat while I sit on the couch next to dean "Kate eat something you haven't eaten today"dean said "I've eaten its just you don't really pay attention " I say with a worried chuckle. they might just find out my secret sooner or later.

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