Starry Night

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For the past few days, I have been thinking of taking MC out on a date but I did not want it to be an ordinary dinner date so I did some research and found that a meteor shower was going to happen tonight! It may sound cheesy in other peoples minds but to me, this was the perfect opportunity for me to finally tell MC how much I love her. I was out downtown MC was back at home I told her that there was a mandatory rehearsal I had to go to so I could go to the jewelers to get a ring. I want to propose to her tonight. We have been dating for a long time now and I will be a father soon so I want to marry her so that our love can be strong not only for each other but for our child. I get to the jeweler shop and walk towards the main desk and wait for the jeweler.

Jeweler: "Oh good morning sir may I help you?" I look over and the Jeweler was just finished with a customer.

"Oh yes, I made an order for an engagement ring" The Jeweler smiled and handed me a black box with a silver ring and a diamond. I take the box and look at it and smile.

Jeweler: "You planning on purposing?" I nod my head 

"Tonight actually. there will be a meteor shower and the stars mean a lot to me and my well hopefully fiance." The Jeweler smiled.

Jeweler: "I wish you good luck" I thank him and leave the store with the ring I lean on my bike and open the ring one more time and my heart skips a beat, I was going to propose tonight. I don't understand why I was so nervous I know that MC loves me with all of her heart and I love her with all of mine. I shake the feeling out of my head for a while but my heart is still warm. I put the ring in a bag and pack it into my bike trunk, I put on my helmet and head home to MC. When I get home MC is in the kitchen I walk up behind her and put my ponytail over my lip.

"Ummm yes hello miss am I in the wrong house?" MC turns over and starts to laugh. she loved it when I used my ponytail as a mustache I did not do it very often but when I did it always made her smile.

MC: "Z-Zen! y-you can't do that!! HAHAHA!!" she was crying with laughter

"Oh god sorry babe! I did not think I would make you cry!" I put my hand behind my head and blush a little.

MC: "No no its okay" She takes a deep breath "You always know how to make me laugh" she calms down a bit and kisses my nose. "Darn you and your long hair! Anyway, why did you have the mandatory rehearsal? You left in a hurry"

"O-oh well the director just wanted to speak with me about my character and how he needs me to.... work on my account a little more" MC looks at me confused

MC: "there were no other actors there?" I put my hands out 

"No no there where! the director just wants to make sure that my character is perfect because I have a leading role"

MC: "Oh that is understandable" She stretches and I take a sigh of relief I never liked lying but if I was going to purpose to her I wanted it to be special and for MC not to find out. "Wow my back is hurting like crazy today" I look at MC

"Do you want me to get you a heat pack or something?" MC nodded and I get her a heat pack "Hey babe why where you in the kitchen? I usually find you sleeping or relaxing on the sofa" MC looks at me as she walks towards the couch.

MC: "I was craving chocolate so I got some and that is when you came home" MC sat down and I gave her the heat pack. "Thanks, Zen. Honestly, I have no idea what I would do if you were not here" she smiled at me and put the heat pack behind her. I sit down.

"Are you feeling good today?"

MC: "yea other then my back pain I feel great!" I smile and sit up

"That's great because I wanted to take you out somewhere tonight!" MC face lit up 

MC: "Ohhh a date?! where are we going?"

"Can I keep it a surprise?" MC sticks her tongue out and makes a silly noise. 

MC: "Awwww poo. Alright just for you Zenny, Should I change into something nice? At least tell me that"

"One you already look like a princess and two don't worry we won't be going any place fancy I just thought that it would be nice to go somewhere together" My face turns red and my heart is fuzzy again.

MC: "well wherever it is I know I will love it. I can't wait!" I lean over and kiss MC I also touch her belly. My heart was going 1000 miles per hour and I was super hot in the face. "Zen why are you so flustered right now?" I sit up quick

"Hahaha well I-I" I take a deep breath "You will find out trust me okay" MC smiles

MC: "Alright"

---- TIME SKIP ----

I was waiting at the door for MC. She was trying to find her nice sweater, It was a little chilly outside because it was 10 pm but she did not seem to mind.

"Babe do you need any help?" MC walks out with her sweater on

MC: "No I got it. Thanks for the offer though" She smiled at me "Are we walking?"

"Yes but don't worry it's not very far" I open the door for MC and we both leave the house. MC holds my hand and I smile at her. "You really are too cute for your own good" She then leans on me and we continue to walk until we reach a hill. "Okay I know this might be a little hard to you but I promise it will be worth it" I look around and MC is already walking up the hill.

MC: "come on Babe!"

"Whoa MC!" I catch up to her and hold her back. "You are really quick" I laugh and MC laughs with me.

MC: "Sorry I can't help myself I am so excited!" we get to the top of the hill and MC is tired so I sit her down. "Thanks, Zen" I sit next to her to help her catch her breath. I look at my phone quickly for the time 10:25 in about 5 min the meteor shower was going to start. "Wow look at the stars!" I look over at MC who is already amazed by what she see's. She looks over at me with a smile on her face. "Although nothing can top your beauty" she kisses my cheek and I blush a little.

"The show should start any moment" MC looked confused

MC: "Show?" I quickly point up in the sky 

"Look!" MC looked at the sky and she sees lights flying past the sky.

MC: "Zen oh my god this is amazing! I can't believe you planned this for me" A big smile appeared on her face. "OH! I should make a wish! no no no you first" She looks over at me and see's me on one knee. My heart is pounding my head is spinning and all I want is for her to be happy. "Zen?"

"MC I" I took a deep breath "I brought you here because the stars mean a lot to me and to you because it was one of the very first things we looked at together. It was something that I will never forget. I also brought you here to show you how much I love you and how much I want to support you not only as a father of our child but also as a husband" I took the black box from my pocket and opened it up "MC I know you are going through a lot but I want to be there for you so will you marry me?" I look at her face she was crying with her hands over her mouth.

MC: "Yes! yes, I will marry you!" I was in so much shock that I started to cry as well.

"Y-you will!"

MC: "Yes, of course, I will I love you so much Zen and that will never change" MC kisses me and we both share a moment of happiness before I give her the ring.

"I know it is not much b-" MC looks at the ring

MC: "It's perfect. I love it Zen" I smile with some tears in my eyes and hug MC

"I love you so much. Thank you for coming into my life" MC hugs me back

MC: "No thank you for coming into mine" We both looked up at the stars and for the first time in a while, we felt as if there was nothing to worry about.

Zen x MC's Pregnant storyWhere stories live. Discover now